Jay's Planted 180g Tank.

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AC Members
Dec 24, 2005
I hear you on the uprooting capabilities of BN. What is the smallish plant more or less dead center with the sword-like rounded leaves? It looks a bit unhappy, did you move them? Not trying to be critical, I just don't want to go through 37 pages & I'm curious.

What did you have before, I don't remember? Crypt parva spreads so slowly as do the "clovers" (marsilea). Dwarf hairgrass "Belem" is all the rage here, pretty & maybe a nice contrast, but I don't know just yet on maintenance (co2 soon for me to play with). Glosso can also look good with maybe less maintenance. Staurogyne, maybe not enough contrast/bigger leaves with all your a. petite. HC seems a pretty PITA to me, maybe HM too. Just brainstorming for my next tank incarnation, I'm sure you'll choose something cool & grow it well!
It is Echinodorus parviflorus tropica a small form sword it doesn't get much bigger than that for me. It was crowded before pushed up against the glass a few leaves have BBA on the tips but the twisting or what appears to be deformed leaves seem to be normal for me as the leaves get bigger.

I've had Glosso, Marselia, C. parva, Monte Carlo, no interest in HC, HM or hairgrass too much of a pain for my liking.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I'm leaning toward glosso from my limited (before co2) experience. But I have a start of 2 marsileas & "belem DHG". I had a lovely start of HM...until I added a small BN pleco...& then it was gone, filter fodder! My next guess, for me, might be staurogyne, or glosso.

I did have e. "tropica" at 1 time, not as "warped" as yours...but no co2 either, meh. Go crypt parva!...or glosso again.

Thanks for your patience & help...& updates...that's how we all learn.
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AC Members
Dec 24, 2005
Well we recently had our local club meeting here for NJAGC which I'd like to take a minute to promote.
This section is open to the public and has some write ups about our meetings if you are NJ looking for an aquarium plant club check us out. http://www.njagc.net/wp/category/meetings/ We also have a facebook page https://www.facebook.com/njagc.net/

Here is my c. usteriana at 30 inches taken to our last club meeting. When you see the runners creeping out of the pot you know it's over due for thinning.


AC Members
Dec 24, 2005
So I decided to upgrade my tape strip LEDs in my DIY tank to a BeamsWork DA180 fixture.

I think I worked out the kinks in the video. In order to see the captions added you have to view from a PC it won't show from a mobile device.
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
OMG, your pot rims are showing, lol. I have seen the "shimmer" that can look cool, usually with Kessel spot lamps (whatever they're called). But I don't like the purple lighting...or the surface reflection of the many colors of LEDs when viewed from above.

Is that new c. parva I see?
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AC Members
Dec 24, 2005
OMG, your pot rims are showing, lol. I have seen the "shimmer" that can look cool, usually with Kessel spot lamps (whatever they're called). But I don't like the purple lighting...or the surface reflection of the many colors of LEDs when viewed from above.

Is that new c. parva I see?
LOL yeah I bury them and the corys expose them again. The hood and the T5HO help subdue the shimmer it is way too distracting in the living room. My daughter thinks it's cool compares it to a room with a disco ball. I don't like the view over the tank either but it's not an angle I'm usually viewing it from anyway.

Yes I finally found c. parva pots so I caved... =)


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I've only seen the shimmer & reflection at other people's houses & tanks (no LEDs here), usually standing up or bending over a bit. So not at all the same as sitting in your living room with "disco lighting", cool as your daughter finds it, lol. I really find any tank, any light that goes in my eyes a turn off...I need a "skirt" or something to block that effect, bah!

C. parva will very nice when it fills in! I like the light bright green slender leaf form. How many potsful did you plant?


AC Members
Dec 24, 2005
Always seem to be making changes, added some black barbs as the older generations of tetras dwindle. I'm told they are too young but they'll change as they mature unless they are females then they'll remain striped.

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