L numbers

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AC Members
May 19, 2003
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I understand that each pleco has an L-number. Why is that? and what the purpose? Thanks, just curious. Anyone know anything about Red Lryetail plecos? they have one at my LFS for $50 kinda pricey i think? But it is a very nice pleco


AC Members
Apr 18, 2001
Edmonton, AB
not every pleco has an L number, only the ones that haven't been described yet have them. http://www.aquariacentral.com/articles/lnumbers.shtml

As for the red lyretail pleco, I dont' know which pleco it could be. I can think of a few with red tails(scarlet pleco for one). I would just look through planetcatfish and see if you can find it. But becareful lots of plecos get pretty BIG. Make sure you know which fish you are buying before you do as if you get the wrong one for your tank you could be stuck with a monster in your tank.


AC Members
Dec 17, 2002
Stavanger, Norway
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L-numbers were invented by German hobbyists/importers/magazines to try to get a consistent naming convention going for Loricariid catfish. The problem is that there are a heck of a lot of these fish already around, and still morebeing discovered and scientific naming is still a long way from catching up. Plus often importers/catchers are the first people to see these fish and they need a way of describing what they have, and making sense of what they order for.
Common names like zebra plec don't make sense here, there are jsut too many - it's ok with zebra plec,but clown plec describes a few different species, gold nuggets are 3 + different species and Bristlenoses are a whole load of things. You soon reach the ridiculous - Red Seam Gold Cactus pleco....
You can't do what they do for apistos either, which are ina similar state ie Apisto 'Rio Tefe' or Apisto. 'Blaupunkt' as you're not dealing with a single genus.
There are problems with L-'s, ie same species, different numbers, same number=different species depending on location, truly defining L-s, but they work relatively well, are reasonably well documented and for me they make sense.


Registered Abuser
I believe that there are several of the plecos that you are talking about on www.aquabid.com . From what I have heard, they are territoral and get to be rather large. Sorry, I don't know the L #, but you could look on www.planetcatfish.com .


Registered Abuser
Seems kinda expensive to me. How large is it? Also, if its the only fancy pleco in your area, they can ask what ever they want for it. If you are looking for several fish at once, you can order them online and save on shipping. If you just order one fish, you get hit with an additional $30 shipping fee.