Loach Question

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Dec 23, 2009
Hemet, California
I had a loach about 10 years ago but dont know a whole lot about them I heard that they may eat snails. I have an infestation of MTS in a tank and would not mind a loach or two. If they do eat snails could someone recomend a specific loach that woul be good for me it will most likely goin a 60 gal tank with mollies and corys but I would like to do some research on them prior if you recomend something. Thanks in advance.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
The problem with adding "snail eating loaches" is they need the social numbers of at least 5-6 fish to be truly happy, like corys & others. I have sidthimunki & striatas in a 75g BUT I still have baby "pond" snails in the filters, just not in the tank. Those would fit in yor tank but may not be able to eat MTS enough to slow their reproduction rate.

Have you tried feeding less & "trap & remove" to control the MTS? Get loaches because you love these wonderful fish, not as a means to an end. I'm not sure those smaller loaches can eat MTS although my histrionicas do.


AC Members
Jan 4, 2008
I agree with one of the above posters - I would not add loaches just to alleviate the snail infestation. That said, let me say about 2 years ago I had tons of snails, mainly ramshorns but also some trumpets. Since that time I have added a school of sids and a group of sewellia lineolata loaches. Both types of loaches are great. The sids are like the energizer bunnies of the fish world - they never stop. The sewellia remind me of miniature kamikazes, darting all over the tank. Both species are very visible. The "book" says that sewellias should be kept in "cooler" water with lots of flow. Mine are kept at 82° with the only flow coming from my AC HOB filter, and they have bred at least twice for me. (I'm just getting ready to ship out my last batch of fry from the last spawn). I now have 0 snails in my tank. I also have a 3" figure 8 puffer in the tank, and, yes, he does eat snails, but there is no way he eradicated all those snails. I now raise my snails in a different tank to fee the puffer. Get your loaches to with them interact with each other, you'll be glad you did. Good luck.
A very common sight with sewellias:

Sewellia from the top: