Lost one of my SAEs..

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Global Moderator
Staff member
Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
Real Name
I've had three Siamese Algae Eaters in my planted community 55g for 2yrs. One of them started to become bloated about 2 weeks ago. The fish remained active, with great coloring, etc, but wasn't eating as SAEs normally do, and continued to bloat even worse. Last night the poor bugger went belly-up. So sad because the other two would glide down and sit next to him/her, seeming checking up on the poor thing. :(

I've had two female bettas suffer the same fate in this tank over the 2yrs. I do 50% weekly water changes on this tank, and have never seen higher than ~20ppm nitrates. I try to vary the diet some. Mainly crisps, flakes, or freeze dried tubifex or blood worms.

I've read about trying shelled peas to 'unblock' fish.. I never tried it though.

Just looking for suggestions on ways to prevent this. Is it something I'm doing wrong?