My Rusty Boy :)

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ooooo shiny...
Apr 27, 2009
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honesty I dont know why more people dont have pits or pit mixes, they are so smart, so funny, and so loving. I hate that people have such bad views...


AC Members
Jan 15, 2009
lol! You got it exactly right! Nina will do that growl/sigh under her tone, look at me and lay down all frustrated but cute none the less. If she gets too upset I give her the disappointed look and the "I'm disappointed in you" saying. She really hates to disappoint us. I think a lot of her whining might just be her frustration with herself. Like in Fox and the Hound 2, he is convinced he is a bad dog and feels awful for it.

I can say, You give them an inch and they want a mile. Once my back is turned she will be right back and look at me like what? I'm not doing anything...just getting by here, yeah just gonna crrrrawllll just a lillllttle bit closer...

I do separate them when she’s gotten too rough. She is told to go to bed which is a crate taking up a quarter of my living room space! :) The sacrifices. But she calms down and is getting the hang of things so well around here. The only thing I am having a prob with is her potty breaks by the door. Thank goodness for linoleum floors! When she gets the hang of things, I might like to put carpet down but for now the floors are great grounds for their playing and super easy to clean!


AC Members
Jan 15, 2009
Since getting Nina, I didn't know how much it really bothered me... What worries me most of all now and again I stress I didn't know how much I would have felt this until her... Pits in the hands of the wrong people. I know they were breed to be what they were intended to be but in the right hands of a loving family, What an amaizng addition to any family! I couldn't ask for more. I've been wanting one for such a looooong time and Nina was the greatest surprise of joy brought into my life. I have really needed her over the past several months. She's just a wonderful sidekick! I've been defending them for several years now and it took a lot of conviencing for my family to accept her but now that they have her in their lives too, we together helped change a lot of minds. :)


Curiosity salted the snail!
Jan 2, 2009
Winchester, Kentucky
It's all due to stupid people like rapper DMX and Michael Vick that breed them solely for fighting. It's cruel to raise any animal to fight, but it has a huge impact on how the public views these breeds. It's sad really. We should put people like them in small kennels and keep food and water from them for days on end. Maybe then they would understand the damage they're doing to such a wonderful and beautiful dog.


ooooo shiny...
Apr 27, 2009
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my mom for the longest while called him "psycho dog" I was fuming one day and told her off, my dog is trained and taught new things at the speed he can learn... her dogs are untrained ankle biters... she always told me to watch him around small kids, and he was the most perfect gentleman when he met his first child(i was freaked no knowing what to expect) but he sat his little butt right down with out being told and tolerated her pulling his ears and doing the little kid head pat with nothing more than a huge lick to her little face :)

at the moment we are laying on the couch he is snugging...and ummm farting...if i could go back and do it all over I would wouldn't change my decision in choosing him :) well actually he chose us... we where the only people he would go up to the gate for...

as soon as we are comfortable with his behaviors and training(its big for me having grown up with untrained dogs who ran off a lot) we want to rescue a puppy as a friend for rusty, he would really thrive with a constant doggy friend.


Curiosity salted the snail!
Jan 2, 2009
Winchester, Kentucky
Yeah. My little brother seemed nervous around Nina as small as she is. But they know when there's a child and know not to attack or nip. They're incredibly gentle when they need to be. I've had smaller dogs (yorky's, matlese, toy poodles) that would bite a child without thinking twice. But the pits know, if they're raised correctly. I think you've got a fantastic friend in Rusty.


ooooo shiny...
Apr 27, 2009
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oh yes... he is a great great friend... true meaning of mans(or woman's) best-friend