My unique (I guess) planted tank in progress

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AC Members
Jul 25, 2005
So I was talking to cichlidsrextrem on msn a few days ago... told him I would post some pics of my planted tank... so guess what I'm doing...

Sometime around January after I upgraded my 29g reef to a 45, I picked up some bamboo shoots... some hot glue, zip ties and a drill... and I've got a full tank decoration.

The live bamboo originated in a 10g planted... I decided to take that down (don't recall exactly why though), put the plants and the lone Otto into the 29g, divide up the 25g that my buenos aires and black skirt tetras and put the betta in there. All the aquatic plants died off over the a few months (my guess is because I didn't have enough light at the time), but the bamboo still thrived.

Now, as for the weird rocks - well if you've ever seen the bubbling rocks that people sometimes put in there yards, well these are the excess rock after the hole is drilled. I get these for free because my dad works at a landscaping company.

Now finally, the plants- a few weeks ago I went to the beach (well this was actually a beach where we launch paddle boats from, so not as well maintained). I noticed a lot of plants floating around, as well as the plants I knew off which are growing by there - got a Gatorade bottle and started collecting. So every single live plant in there (excluding the bamboo) came out of lake St. Clair.

Don't ask me what the plants are called, because I do not know, and I do not care to take the time to find out. They were free and all that really matters to me is that there growing (I don't approach plant keeping anywhere near as seriously as a lot of people on here). Yes there are some plastic plants in there, which will be replaced with live ones in good time.

Full tank shot.

(I somehow managed to get my knee in this)

My bamboo forest.

Bronze corydoras cat, some of the plants I collected.

End shot.

FTS and bamboo.

Close up one some of the bamboo.

One of the plants I collected. This one doesn't seem to be doing much yet.

Another plant I collected. Not sure about this one. The small plant stemming off it (in front) looks healthy, but the larger one doesn't look to good...

Yet another plant I collected with my three spot Gourami to the side and bamboo in the background. The plant pictured is doing extremely well, with most of the "pieces" (for lack of a better term) of this plant having doubled or tripled the size of some leaves in the two-three weeks I've had them.

See above.

Another plant I collected. It apears to be taking root. Yes the pic is quite blurry, but I didn't take another pic and I wanted to post this, since it's starting to grow for me. I'll probably get a better pic of this tommorow (wich could possibly mean several days from now - ask cichlidsrextrem.

And I apologize that most of the pics have a bit of blurr to them. The tank's lighting doesn't exactly agree with my crappy camera.

Also, the two tanks weren't suposed to be so close to me bed, but it ended up like that after I had to fit a large desk in my room... I know for sure the bottom tank on the rack is getting moved, not sure on the top tank.


Jul 26, 2007
im in the credits lol nice tank like the naturalism in the bamboo


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Dec 30, 2005
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Mr. Normal