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Lovin it
Aug 13, 2007
Columbus, OH
So, what kind of a solution are you looking for? Wanting to keep him in the container for a long time? I guess I don't get what you're looking for since the reasonable solutions were shot down. I'm sure another LFS would take him with your LFS not willing to.
reasonable solutions? in whos eys Mandy?

this is the theory. When introducing a clown to a tank with an already established clown they one that has been there will be aggressive to defend their territory. (if they are both juveniles, or both males, or close to the same size ect..)

you put the new addition in the tank and the dominate one will take out his aggressive behavior on the plastic container. they will shake, and show submissive behavior/ dominate behavior without hurting each other. When released they have already established dominance.

In my case i put two juveniles together. they were on and off. sometimes they fought other times they got along. (one being chases and showing submissive behavior such as shaking and kiss the others lips, while the dominate one would shake his dorsal tale)

the submissive one was being beat too much after about 4 days, so i caught him and put him in there. since that the dominate one has not left the side of the container. They are working our their problems through the plastic lol.

I hope when i release the clown after a few days it will be better.

anyone have any problems with this? advice ect? I would like some input. I would like to try to keep them.


Lovin it
Aug 13, 2007
Columbus, OH
Personally, I'd put the aggresive one in the tub and leave him there for a while. As long as there is circulation, it shouldn't hurt him and might calm him down a bit. Let the calm one have the tank to itself for a while to establish territory.

Once the calm one is established, perhaps set up a barrier in one corner of the tank for the hard case.

How long have they been in the tank together? How big is the tank?

Remember, some fish take time to adjust and maroons can be cranky. It isn't advisable to keep two together, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

If i did this the submissive one would just hide, and not confront the dominate one. The dominate one would just be pissed and ready to confront the other as soon as he was out. The submissive one wouldnt claim territory and even if he did he would be kicked out.

Maybe I am wrong? what do u think? (serious)


Slave To The Fishes!
Feb 23, 2008
Kissimmee, Florida
You should have listened to the advice in the first thread that you posted about this. The tank is too small, the fish will probably never stop fighting. Take the advice or don't. If you are going to come looking for advice you need to be willing to take it. You have been given multiple solutions all of which you have turned down, which will probably result in one of them dying.


Lovin it
Aug 13, 2007
Columbus, OH
You should have listened to the advice in the first thread that you posted about this. The tank is too small, the fish will probably never stop fighting. Take the advice or don't. If you are going to come looking for advice you need to be willing to take it. You have been given multiple solutions all of which you have turned down, which will probably result in one of them dying.


such as, "tank is too small" "separate them" "take them back"

this seems to be the same advice given in EVERY situation when fish dont screw on the first date.

maybe a mod should make a sticky called "Your tank is too small, separate them, then take one back"



AC Members
Jan 6, 2008
Orange County,CA
You are not going to get a good solution. If you want to risk it, all we can do is try to discourage you trying. Everyone hopes it works out for you, but the odds are against it. I agree with putting the aggresive one in the container and letting the weak one establish a spot. It may hide, but it will also fight harder to keep it's new territory. Good luck, I really do hope you are one of the lucky ones who pull it off.


AC Members
Apr 20, 2006
Caro Michigan
I am sorry for wording this the way I am but if you knew anything about Maroon Clowns you would have never attempted putting 2 in the size tank you did. I am sorry for the way I worded this and I hope I will still be on this site tomorrow.


Lovin it
Aug 13, 2007
Columbus, OH
I am sorry for wording this the way I am but if you knew anything about Maroon Clowns you would have never attempted putting 2 in the size tank you did. I am sorry for the way I worded this and I hope I will still be on this site tomorrow.
ya ya. I knew about clowns. I paired percs and Oc's but first time with maroons. I didnt know they were the crazy ones.

maybe I should let them go at it


professional fool
Jan 28, 2008
The picture is dated 3/11/2003...that's over 5 years ago...