Odd looking mouth on Tiger Barb

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AC Members
Jul 16, 2016
IMG_0989.JPG Hello, one of my Tiger Barb's mouth is looking a little odd and maybe ill, he's been sitting in that same spot near those white rocks there for the past 2 days, I'm not quite sure so I thought I'd ask on here. I'll do my best to give specifics for everyone. My Aquarium is a 29 gallon marineland eclipse, my light is a CORALIFE 50/50 T8 15 Watt. My filter is the National Geographic IF30 internal filter system which puts the air in the water also, and my heater is the Tetra HT30 100W submersible heater which keeps the water at 80-82 degrees Fahrenheit. I currently have 8 fish in this tank, 5 Tiger Barbs(including this ill looking one), 2 Algae Eaters, and 1 Bala Shark. I added the other fish a week before the Bala Shark however. When I added the Shark, I also added that light and a new prop which is a battleship from the aquarium prop isle in PetSmart. The reason I'm mentioning this is because I didn't rinse it off or clean it before putting it in the tank which I should've done, it could've had something in it to cause this? Please let me know below if you what this might be? I apologize if the image is a bit blurry, it's the best I could get of him because they tend to scatter when I come up close to the tank.


"With your powers combined . . ."
Sep 9, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Real Name
It looks like mouthrot to me. Having worked at PetSmart for a long time and knowing the reputation of some of the locations, I am suspecting he arrived to the store with the beginnings of this condition.

If you haven't had him two weeks yet I would highly suggest returning him. If you have had him too long to do that there are other methods that can hope to heal it, but don't always work. But I'll get to that after a few questions:
1) Is your tank cycled?
2) Do you have a liquid test kit?
A) If so, what is the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings from said test?
B) If you have a dip test that is fine, but I will suggest getting the liquid kit. Its incredibly helpful.
3) When was your last water change?
C) How much water did you change?

Additionally, that bala shark will get far too large for you size tank and will do much better in a group. The algae eaters, they are the "chinese algae eater" will get big, mean and not eat algae.


AC Members
Jul 16, 2016
It is Cycled.
no, I don't have either of those.
I had the tank itself setup and cycled 2 weeks before I put fish in it and that was 3 weeks ago.


AC Members
Jul 16, 2016
There is biological filter media in the filter, and I didn't have any of those strips to know for certain so I was assuming.


"With your powers combined . . ."
Sep 9, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Real Name
Did you add anything to start the bacteria growing on the media? Or were you just running an empty tank for 2 weeks?

Based on this, and not knowing when your last water change was, I am going to suggest that you do a large water change. Around 50%. Since the tank hasn't been set up too long you likely have an ammonia spike in addition to the mouth rot and it will be better for the fish to have a large change than a small one at this point. I would suggest reading this thread on cycling http://www.aquariacentral.com/forums/threads/freshwater-cycling.84598/

As far as mouth rot goes it can be a real problem to get rid of.
I would suggest reading this http://www.fishchannel.com/fish-health/aquarium-fish-mouth-fungus.aspx