Opaline Gouramies

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The Blue Girl
Jan 17, 2005
Florida, USA
The shark isn't too bad actually. The most I've seen him do is get a little daryt towards other fish when they either get too close to his hiding spot or at feeding time. He's supposed to get 6 inches in length but he isn't there yet, since he must've only been 2 inches when I got him several months back. I guess they take their time growing.

The others in the tank aren't really bad fin nippers either, whenever a newcomer arrives, they might nip initially but after a while they all calm down again. The only nipping problem right now is between the 2 male swords, and I think it's from having no old enough females to fool with yet. I may have a third male out of the 3 fry, so it will have to go if that's the case. I'm hoping it's three girls so I don't have to give anyone away though.

I always have some hornwart in my tank, so that should be to some comfort of the gouramies, I also have watersprite, though it is planted. I don't see a problem with setting some alfoat in the future. Thanx for all the great advice.