Our favorite annoyances about our pets

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AC Members
Jan 15, 2005
Peoria, IL
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Hey Patoloco...our girl dog sleeps in our bed...we spoil her!!! She waits until we are asleep and sneaks in. My boy is a big snoozing slug too, snoring louder than anyone in the house. the sofa is his private property. As to the bathroom wastebasket thing..we have that problem too. We got one with a lid.

Persimmon..your main coon and my girl dog would have a lot in common. She is very vocal and licks everything too!!


aka Bunny13
Oct 2, 2005
Baltimore, Maryland
My cat does some interesting things. She like to play with empty tissue boxes, the only problem is when she sticks her head in one to see whats inside she cant get her head out and starts running into things until someone hears her banging around!

Also, when I am home she sleeps in my room with me. I keep the door shut and she has learned that if she sticks her paw under the door she can make a knocking noise that will wake me up so I can let her out(this happens mostly when it's thundering out!)

She also has this annoying habit of jumping up on the counter while I am washing up at night and begging for water fresh out of the tap (i give her fresh water every morning and night but I guess there is something special about water directly out of the tap). Well this is fine except she intentionally knocks everything off the counter using her paws until I give in and get her a cup. Then, as I am filling up her cup, she will actually use her paw to pull my hand and the cup towards her even before I finish filling it up! Oh and she always has to have the first cup of water, if I decide to drink before she's gotten her water she won't drink her's. She's what we call the spoiled princess of the house!

Oh, by the way, does anyone elses cats like to drink directly from the faucet? She loves this.


Global Moderator
Aug 27, 2002
Roselle Park, NJ
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nursie said:
My girl dog Chloe will take things outside and leave them, and even destroy them.
Nursie, my younger Saint Bernard does the same thing. When it's time to go out, he runs frantically around the house searching for something... anything he can take with him.... all 160 lbs of him!! It's the same ol' thing each time. The female goes out, he's halted at the door, with an innocent face looks up as if we forgot to leave the door open for him. Sometimes he does get them out. The other day, on the way out back through the gate, I was going to see the creek and I'm finding his toys all along the way.... I have no idea how... could he really be hopping the fence and hopping it to get back in the yard? Not when we're looking so I just don't know...

Then there's the maine coon girl. She's the Saint's buddy....anyhoot... she forced me to put her cat bed above my pillow on the bed for her comfort. The only time I see her out of it is dinner time, play time, and when the door is open for the dogs....
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AC Members
Jan 15, 2005
Peoria, IL
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Dangerdoll said:
Nursie, my younger Saint Bernard does the same thing. When it's time to go out, he runs frantically around the house searching for something... anything he can take with him.... all 160 lbs of him!!
160 lbs of dog running around the house must be interesting. Don't ahve many little porcelain knick knacks do you, lol!!

My dogs run around looking for a toy or something to present to you when you walk in the house. Chloe gets her contraband to take out back when someone leaves the deck door open while she is outside. Then she sneaks in, snatched something unobserved and runs back out with it. Little theif!!
She is capable of opening the back door on her own too if we forget and leave the handle in. She stands on her hind feet and flips the lever and pulls back. Verry clever.


Global Moderator
Aug 27, 2002
Roselle Park, NJ
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hehehehe, I can just imagine how adorable Chloe is while she's doing it. Rudy... it's adorable once in a while until you realize it's your shoe under the couch he's scratching frantically for...hehehe

ummm... nicknacks? Rudy wouldn't allow it ;)


No freelancing!
Aug 14, 2001
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Hmmm...Maggie is in general avery annoying cat-just ask Puck. I think the weirdest thing between the two of them is they fight over my lap. If I'm not home, or am busy running around at home, they can cuddle up and sleep just fine. But, heaven forfend if I sit down, and my lap becomes available. They will fight to see who gets to sit on me. No, they can't share. It doesn't work that way.

Maggie fetches, too. She'll play for hours on end. She knows 'Bring it Closer', 'Wait for it', and 'Not until you get off my lap so I don't get furrows across my thigh when you leap after it, crazy cat!'. I have a picture of her as a 8 week old kitten carrying around a tennis ball by the fuzz.

She's clever too--we had a ladder in the house a few weeks back, and we'd show her the toy, then place it on a ladder step. Started out with one low enough that she could see the toy from if she stood on her back legs. Once she had that down, we moved it up the ladder, until finally she was retrieving the toy from the very top of the ladder. With a smug look.

I have a picture of her retrieving one of her toys that I'd hung from a hook on the ceiling of the downstairs. There's a railing between the main level and lower level that's about 6 inches from the downstairs ceiling, and the hook was about 15 inches away from the railing. She got on the railing, leaned way out until she could hook the toy with one paw, then reached out with her other paw, back paws still on the railing, and managed to lift the toy off the hook. Crazy!

She also loves putting her toys into things. Tubs, buckets, shoes, boxes of any kind.

My dog is about 75 pounds, and while not mean, tends to just be 'big'--you know, totally unaware that he's crushing something? Doesn't mean to, but can clear a coffee table overloaded with books, cups, pens, papers, etc with a single sweep of his tail? Yet, when a little kid toddles up, he very carefully flops down in front of them, and shows his tummy. If he's on a lead, he normally doesn't care if he tangles it around things (trees, mostly, since smaller vegetation is simply ripped out of the ground), but if there's a kid around, he handles the lead like Indain Jones with his whip--never trips a kid or traps them. Doesn't care if he tangles ME up, of course, since tripping me means he can sit on me. Sheesh!


Global Moderator
Aug 27, 2002
Roselle Park, NJ
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that is cute, OG! I reeeeeeaaally want to see those pictures, they sound adorable.

Reading through OG's thread, I remembered another one about Rudy (yes, he is the clown of the house). When everyone's going away or for a walk, out come the leashes... out comes Mr. Bouncy Dog! He runs to the other Saint, grabs her leash by the handle and insists that he will walk her, we can hold onto his leash. He never lets it go.

Also, we have the 2 females, the dobie and saint who cannot get along unless on the leash for a walk. In the house, dobie+saint=World War III... hence we keep them separated. Dobie stays to one side of the house, the saints to the other. Rudy is the only one allowed to both sides of the house and he always takes to checking on the underdog... the dobie. The last fight the girls had, Rudy kept on checking the dobie to make sure she was ok.... slept by the baby gate watching over her like her oversized protector. The fights are a female thing as the female saint and Rudy play all the time without incident.

ah, I love pets...


You should be dancin'
Jan 22, 2004
Vancouver, Canada
Two things I can think about one of my cats.

First is she likes to lick plastic bags. Everytime we come home with groceries or stores she will try to get a bag.

The other is a one-time thing. When I went to the humane society to drop off some food I stopped in to look at the kittens. I saw this one little grey cat that looked bigger then the others and asked to see her. She came out, sat in my lap, and reached out to paw at my nose. It was so cute I adopted her on the spot. That was 2 years ago and she hasn't done it again.


De seguro no sabes lo que dice aqu
Oct 20, 2005
Costa Rica
JesseJ said:
That was 2 years ago and she hasn't done it again.
Clever move...


AC Members
Jan 9, 2006
Central Wisconsin
While not annoying, it was funny. Our black lab/dalmation mix, Tabitha, used to start scratching herself with one of her hind legs then just stop and look like she forgot what she was doing, then after a few seconds she would start scratching again. She died in November and our other dog Jessie has started doing alot of the things Tab used to do that Jessie never ever did.

As far as cats, ours has the annoying habit of sleeping in boxes. You leave a box on the floor for more then five minutes and he's in it. I've almost thrown him out a few times cause he was in a box and I didn't know it. It's also a good thing he doesn't have front claws cause he likes to hid in paper bags on the floor and then will pounce on your feet when you walk by.