FREE Pelvicachromis pulcher, Threadfin rainbow - CA (91711) - Preferred pick-up

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Jun 9, 2008
Central NJ
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I'm starting my 4th year of school which means I am moving out of CA and (finally) returning to the east coast. Since I will be traveling a lot for clinical rotations I promised my dad I would only leave him with 1 tank to watch while I'm gone. Therefore I must downsize my tanks. I have 3 threadfin rainbows (the only survivors from 12 I had received from aquabid :(, 1 male and 2 females), 4 Pelvicachromis pulcher (2 males and 2 females), and an oto that I would like to give away to good homes. The kribs were also from aquabid, link below, and are about 1.5 years old now. The did produce offspring a few times but I never did anything about it so none survived. I currently have the 4 kribs in a 40 gallon tank and I will say, they either have to go in a bigger tank together or to separate tanks. They are very territorial together (even though the seller told me I could keep all 6 in the 40 gallon together...ah well). Pick them up and I will also throw in their breeding caves! The pictures are all of one of the males..the other one has more of a green coloration than the red and currently rules the tank. They are at least 2 inches long. I just really want them to go to someone with fish knowledge!

I would consider shipping but I don't have cool packs or anything so pick-up would be best. They have made the journey from CA to NJ and back again 2 times so they do ship well. I need to have them gone by Saturday, although the tanks are being packed up for Friday's moving truck so if anyone can't come until the weekend realize that they will be bagged so you can't back out last minute!


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