People at petsmart.

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AC Members
Oct 10, 2011
Tulsa, OK
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I hate to sound "mean", but if you are in a customer position and another customer is doing something, you can do what you did and if that doesn't work simply mind your own business.

It bothers me that people think it is their responsibility to "fix" other people.
Which is why I walked away. I just think its weird that there are so many ignorant fish owners out there. But I guess if something is working for them(though it might not be correct) then there is no reason to try to correct them.


AC Members
Oct 10, 2011
Tulsa, OK
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I know that beginners have some leeway, but I think you can only get away with ignorance for so long. My boyfriend's mom never does water changes and has 2 JDs in with a krib, common pleco, and a blood red parrot. so far it's working for her, so I haven't been hounding her about it, I just have to let her make her own mistakes.


AC Members
Apr 29, 2012
Actually I recently started a job in pets mart and to be honest I understand exactly where you're coming from. I know in many stores it's probably the case that you find some of the staff to be less then knowledgeable and I think a lot of that depends heavily on whether or not the employees themselves have tanks and whether or not the supervisor takes the time to ensure all the employees are on the same page. Luckily in my store that is the case and the employees are quite knowledgable and actually care what kind of set up you have, what fish you already have, and what fish if any you can get.

With that being said however, there are many people that have no business owning a fish, or at least really need to educate themselves before getting those 20 some odd fish for a 6 gallon tank( yes this has happened more times than you would believe). Even the other day I had a customer who was looking for a "pretty and big fish" and then he spotted the oscars and asks to get that for his tank with 5 neon tetras. *facepalm* When I comes down to it we simply have to politely say we really don't recommend this mix. If they continue to be really persistent in getting that one fish we can revoke our 2 week garuntee for that sale. It really just boils down to we try to educate as we go and for the most part customers take our suggestion that actully a betta is a far better choice for that fish bowl than 3 black moors.


wocka wocka wocka!
Mar 16, 2011
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lol...there's a good choice for a fish bowl?!?!?! where???

I didn't know those existed lol


AC Members
Jun 5, 2008
Podunk, Va.
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Remember that you are a mere customer to them as well, best bet is to keep your mouth shut. If they are keeping 3 oscars in a 50 then obviously they are not fish keepers and see them as just fish. Make your purchase and exit the store would be my best advice.


AC Members
Apr 3, 2012
Burbank California
Ohh I remember when I got my first fish when I was 8. I remember going to Petco; getting one of those aquarium kits ( 10 gallon w/filter,heater,hood and light) and then it came to picking the fish. Of course I was 8. Didn't even think about research and the first thing that came to mind was bright happy active fishes. I picked 3 gold fishes. So I told the employee (lady) that I wanted it and she asked me what size aquarium I had. I pointed at the cart with that kit and I still remember what she said "those fish won't live in their happy. You want your fish to be happy right? You don't want them to die right? Here, I will reccomend this for you" she then brought me to the betta section and she made me pick one. I was actually happy at my choice. It was a pure white "forgot species" and it just recently died about a year a ago. *8 years as I am 16 now. When I look back to it I'm astonished it lived that long and I didn't even regret buying it. I wish I could of thanked her.

A few months ago I was at Petco and saw this family. They had a tank at home already setup. Don't even know if cycled. Hope it was. So they let the little kids pick the fish. I remember them looking starting from the semi-agressives. I don't remember what exactly they pick but I remember the picking a few cichlids and some other semi aggressive fish. Then they went to the community section as they picked platys, neons, SAE, and a few mollies. Then they went to the planted where the angel fish were. They got 2. I remember the saying they had a 55. They employee (guy) bagged the semi-agressives and angels and went to finish the other fishes they wanted. Oh my god. What happened next just astonished me. A finding Nemo moment. Remember when Nemo was in the bag and the girl kept shaking it? The little kid did that to the Angels and the parents were watching and did nothing. Same to semi agressives. I was just astonished and honestly just angry. Not only to the child but to the parents. I scolded and yelled how wrong and how horrible parents they were. I called the store manager. And the manager took away the warranty for them. When the parents heard that they left and didn't buy anything. Later did I find out that the manager was an aquarist like us and he bought the fish that were shooken and took care of them. He shows me pictures of the angels and semi-aggressives (still don't know what they are called as they are different species) when I go their. They look so happy. Angels in a 125 and the semis are in different tanks ranging from 30-60 as some species were incompatible.

I do wonder what ever happened to that family. My guess is that they went to another store to buy fishes. I hope they do think again but I can't control people. I should of wrote on a piece of paper or something of this website so they can learn.

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app


AC Members
Apr 21, 2012
Westchester, CA
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Wendy Lubianetsky
Basically, the average person is either just plain stupid or uncaring. I don't know which one is worse. I did talk a guy out of an Oscar at Pecto the other day and he did listen to me. But some people ..... I don't even have polite works.