Pics of Velvet Disease

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AC Members
Jul 30, 2010
Castle Rock, CO
On this forum do we have pics of the different diseases? One of my Yellow Labs has a white patch on his mouth that seems to be spreading. From reading it looks like it might be velvet, but not sure. I have not found any good detailed pics while searching online and was hoping I could find some here. I am going to continue to look online and will post a pic tonight. Thanks for the help!


Stroke Survivor '05
It is very possible that it is "cotton-mouth" a bacterial fungus. "Cotton-mouth" is not the name but the slang name for it. Any fungus is an indicator of poor water conditions. Medications such as Jungle Labs Binox Crystal will treat fungus problems.

Velvet looks a lot like ich but velvet shows up as smaller yellow or gray dusty spots on the fish. Tropical fish with velvet will have rapid gill movement and may be rubbing on surfaces in the tank


Addicted to Loaches
Feb 5, 2009
Velvet you should see anywhere from Yellow to greyish looking spots on the fish (when my guppies had it only really showed on their fins unless it was very far guppy's skin was sort of shredded and looked like it was peeling off...and he actually pulled through too)

Used coppersafe as treatment and honestly 4-5 hours later...all spots had dropped right off the fish...i was pretty amazed

I'm pretty sure excuzzzeme hit the nail on the head

Here is a site I use when I don't know what's going on with my usually helps at least narrow it down to 2 or 3 diseases / ailments and then I'll google pics of whatever I think it and if I'm still stumped or just want to be sure of myself...I post here

This site is a little more in depth on general fish illness conditions...not just diseases


AC Members
Jul 30, 2010
Castle Rock, CO
My water is testing pretty clean (amm - 0, nitri - 0, nitra 10 ppm, ph 8.2). Could it be possible to get from another fish. My girlfriend had a couple of mollys in her tank and it cracked so I let her put in with my tank. They don't appear to have any signs of the same illness and only one of my fish have this problem. Assuming that it is Cotton-mouth, do you think a water change will help? I will look into getting some medication tomorrow, but was wondering if I could do something other than medication to help now. Thanks for the info!


Addicted to Loaches
Feb 5, 2009
Clean water is always a good idea...even though your water is quite clean
Gonna need a list of fish in your tank before anything can be recommended

I wonder if it's columnaris?

do a google image search for columnaris and see if it resembles what you are seeing

If you don't see any dusty spots (kind of like ich but yellow to gray colourations) on the fish it might not be velvet


Stroke Survivor '05
Any disease can be introduced to a tank without knowing where it came from. Like us, fish can be a carrier without showing symptoms. When you do see a disease of any sort the first step is always to make sure you have clean water and to QT the affected fish in hopes that it won't spread.

"General cure" is a broad spectrum medication that works well and is easily attainable. "Quick cure" is a very strong and dangerous med to use but it does work. I feel that a combination of Maracyn AND Maracyn II will be the least destructive and would be a better choice. Make sure you have no inverts and follow the directions to the letter. Continue a full treatment even if the symptoms disappear 1/2 way thru the treatment.


AC Members
Jul 30, 2010
Castle Rock, CO
Thanks Guys! I did a lot of looking on the web lastnight and I fairly confident it is columnaris. I have my yellow lab in QT and will get some medication today for him. Currently I have 4 yellow labs (minus the yellow lab that is sick) and 11 msobos in the tank (125 gallon). All them look fine and don't appear to be effected (yet). Should I only medicate my QT (10 gallons) or should go ahead and medicate my other tank as well to prevent?


Addicted to Loaches
Feb 5, 2009
So far as I can see...the consensus on how a fish gets infected with columnaris boil down to 2 points

Dirty water / substrate usually coupled with some type of injury gives columnaris a perfect foothold

Judging by the fact everything else looks fine at the moment I would say he got picked on and that scratch got infected

I personally don't like exposing fish to medication without cause...but columnaris is contagious...I would say Yes to do the whole 125g

But I would wait for another opinion...if all other fish are healthy and well then it might not be necessary...but it's better to be safe then sorry

Fish usually die with 48-72 hours after showing symptoms (apparently)

Again a water change never really hurts