Ram Cichlid HITH?

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AC Members
Jul 9, 2008
It's so unfortunate mishap on such beautful male Ram!

When did you started to notice the symptoms?

History of water conditions? Any other fish/cichlids with same symptoms?


AC Members
Feb 20, 2008
Central Michigan
Yes, I feel bad about this happening to him.

I first noticed the symptoms last week. The pattern is so symmetrical I thought it was part of his natural markings.

He's in a planted, community tank. I do weekly water changes.
Temp: 80 degrees
pH: 7
KH: 10
GH: 3
Nitrates, Nitrites & Ammonia: 0

Today I added Melafix to the water and started running a UV sterilizer.

I've had this Ram for about 2 months. I thought I purchased a male and female, however I think the "female" was actually another male. The Ram in the photo harassed the second Ram to a point where I removed the second Ram from this tank. However 2 days later he died. Now, due to what I'm seeing on the pictured Ram, I'm wondering what actually caused the death.

If this is HITH what treatment should I use on him. Is it curable? Being such a sensitive species I'm concerned about how to proceed.

Thanks so much for responding.


AC Members
Jul 9, 2008
Never seen such development in a week personally, especially in Rams in what semed to be well maintained tank, hopefully even with varied diets..
Usually higher chances of HITH in tank with large CIchlids which were fed feeders.

Although have tried Metronidazole based med such as Hec-a-Mit by Aquatronics (no longer avail but metro by Seachem may still be), none cured/healed such infection/symptoms.

Couple more close up shots possible?

I dont know what Mel would do with HITH as it is our understanding HITH is primarily caused by excessive # of Protozoan, Hexamita, in the gut afa I know + possible dietary issues along with prolonged exposure to extreme water conditions which your tank do seemed fall into at least...

I would not run UV after the problems if one already has one but wouldve ran continuously in hope of minimizing any chances of any infections. Properly operated UV now may assist further spreading of this pathogens to other susceptible fish.

Dont know what else to tell you other than hope that this male does not follow its mate's foot step in such short time.

If q/t is possible, try isolation. If memory serves, Epsom Salt may assist in slowing down the disease in q/t.
Google for such info.

Good Luck!


AC Members
Jul 9, 2008
Used to be gbr breeder back in the days (when first avail). Even common blue/gold rams.
Never actually experienced this infection with any rams, even when they were way overstocked in their rearing tanks. I never found commercially farmed/locally bred gbr to be difficult to keep/breed although common blue/gold rams depended on each shipment as far as their longevity is concerned.

I swear, one of prettiest/text book pics Ram Ive seen if without these ugly symptoms.

Hope your breeder has some definitive answers for you and looking forward to such new findings.