Random Fish Death, Ideas??

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AC Members
Jun 13, 2003
My 30 gallon has been setup since the summer so it is in no way still cycling. At the time of the death the inhabitants were 2 dwarf gouramis (bought 6 days previously), 10 zebra danios and 2 female swordtails. One of my swordtails was sick with "black dot" or "black ick" but it was not found on my other swordtail. I treated the tank with parasite clear and she looked to be doing a bit better but only for a short time. She looks like she can barely use her caudal fin and she sits on the bottom of the tank until feeding time.
So I woke up yesterday morning and looked in on my fish. All there and accounted for. The sick one was sitting on the bottom and the others were all swimming around. Imagine to my surprise that when I returned only 20 minutes later that the healthy swordtail was actually DEAD on the bottom of the tank! I could not believe this! She hadn't been showing any abnormal signs even 20 minutes before she died. I didn't touch the tank even!!
I checked the temperature because that's the only thing that I thought could change rapidly enough, but it was fine. I didn't bother checking the water parametres because I hadn't done a water change that day or the day before even. The gouramis are both very healthy and quite beautiful, they are not acting abnormal in any way. I know it was stupid not to quarantine them but it didn't help my swordtail when I tried it with her last time.
So any ideas of what could kill a healthy fish?