Rock ID for Planted Tank

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Aug 10, 2003
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I really like the rocks in this tank:

Does anyone know what type they are and where I might be able to find them. I live in Brooklyn, and haven't really found good places to purchase rocks. I am open to suggestions either in this area or online.


AC Members
Feb 15, 2008
Cutting and pasting the url to get the image - hard to say. Could be granite or basalt.


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AC Members
Nov 13, 2009

(copy & paste if necessary)

Looks like plain ol' ordinary gray granite to me, although I am not a geologist nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Or ever for that matter.

Check landscaping firms. I tried a funeral home in hopes of finding a junk pile of broken/rejected headstones but apparently stonecutting services are not provided locally any more. You can look in ravines behind old cemeteries though...being observant of trespassing regulations of course. :)


Senior Member? Do I get a 5% disc.?
You can look in ravines behind old cemeteries though...being observant of trespassing regulations of course. :)
Ravines behind old cemeteries??? We might have some canals nearby some of ours but I'm not sure that counts as a ravine. LOL

You obviously haven't ever been to New Orleans famous old cemeteries... where almost everyone is buried above ground. If you dig 6' under down here and you might strike water. There are a couple of areas in the metro area where they have in ground plots in the areas that are on high clay ridges... the same areas that didn't get flooded during Katrina.. but even in some of those areas, they use above ground tombs.

Here's my family's plot in the Lafayette Cemetery #1, right across the stree from the world famous Commander's Palace Restaurant. Even our family plot is above ground but you can see all the tombs in the background.

Unfortunately, some criminals stole the brass plates for my relatives with my last name and I didn't even realize it until I saw my family's plot online and realized my mom and dad weren't listed.... because the folks that set up the website used only the information found on each grave plot or tomb to list who's buried in the tomb. I've been trying to get them to update the information for months to no avail so far.