Second-Hand Fish

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AC Members
Nov 24, 2010
Skagit Valley, WA
I am starting this thread here, and not updating the one I began in the newbie section, because that thread is embarrassing. If you must, you can see it here.

Thanks to finishing my stand, setting up a tank for my cories, and Dan in Everett who was giving away plants, I redecorated a bit.

First, the big tank. I got a bunch of dwarf sag (I think is what he said. It's all grass to me.) to put in my foreground. I also opted to move some things out of this tank. One is the java moss. I removed all of the free floating moss, leaving only what was carpeting a rock and attached to logs, and put the rest in my cory grow-out tank for the fry. I also removed my java fern to the nano, with better substrate and light. Incoming was all the guppy grass from the nano--it had completely taken over and the betta was not happy about it. (The cories were delighted.) I moved the pennywort from the back to the front next to my couch, so I can more easily sit and look for eggs. I put a sponge on my intake to keep my new 60 gallon filter from sucking up all the guppy grass.

Next, the 10g I setup for a grow out. I hope to get something larger, like a 20 long, eventually. For now if I need more space I can setup a second 10g. I put light play sand from Bobbie in here so I can see the fry better when they are tiny. Wouldn't you know that as I was removing eggs from the 29 today, they started hatching? I had put them in a specimen jar, so I got to see a couple fry hatch. For right now the eggs and newborns are hanging in the jar on the side of the tank. Since they don't have much occassion to swim up, I don't think the fry will get out. I may look into getting a breeder box just so I can watch the eggs more closely. There wasn't much sand left, so its very thin. I put all my java moss in here, and one of the new plants I haven't identified yet.

Finally, in my nano I removed all the guppy grass. My betta, who has been sulking for the past week or so, and had me rather concerned, is much happier already. I realized today that because it has such high watt per gallon, the guppy grass was going nuts. I decided to give up the space for something that could use the light and richer substrate (it has a bit of soil mixed in). So I put my java fern and a new, as yet unidentified, plant in it's place. There are at least two new fry in this tank (or were), and I think they are from my pygmy cories, since the other sterbai are only a couple months old.

Also, I found this snail in the plants. I dunno what kind it is yet.

I still want a riparium, but I think it might be a ways off, since I want something taller than a 10 to do it in. I might just setup a 10g to start collecting the plants for it.


AC Members
Jul 12, 2011
memphis, tn
Real Name
johnathon dunn
C. Sterbai; Sterba's Cories. Like most of my fish they were rehomed. Not a very common species in the store. Now I have about 15, all out of the same parents, without even trying. They are about as horny as guppies.
haha! wish i could find some! i bet theyd do good with my juliis


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
Nice re-do...


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
Real Name
Mr. Palmer
Very nice tanks! I didn't read the old thread, so I don't know where the tanks came from, but they look very nice now!


AC Members
Nov 24, 2010
Skagit Valley, WA
The tanks came from blue gravel and fake plants.

Sterbai look very similar to Julii, one has orderly spots and one doesn't. (I have 12 and I still never remember which one is which)

I mean the snail not the plants.

And thanks. I was up till 1 working on it, and I really regret it since I'm now up at 7 to feed horses.