Should I flush?

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The Dancing Banana
Jul 14, 2005
Charlotte, NC
IF your betta does not get better after you have tried the various treatments listed here, and IF you decide that euthanasia is the only solution to end the suffering of your fish, definitely look for methods that are quick, humane, and relatively painless.

clove oil is used for dental pain by many people. it is an anesthetic, and like all of the chemicals in that category, will cause death with an overdose. only buy a high-quality oil, but realize that it will cost several dollars.

freezing - seems humane, but only if done properly. putting the fish into some water and then into the freezer takes a long time. ever wait for water to freeze so you can have ice cubes? it takes longer than that. sometimes enough time for the fish to decide they want to live and jump out of the container, only to die out of the water, frozen to a box of bagel bites. a better and faster way of freezing is to put your container of water into the freezer long enough to form a thin layer of ice on top. break the ice, and drop your fish into the cold water. no waiting - the body temperature immediately drops down and the fish becomes unconcious right away, then dies. this doesn't work for larger fish as they hold more heat internally and would take too long.


AC Members
Apr 8, 2006
I agree with the others. I would try fasting her first for several days and see if that gives her some relief. If you do decide to euthanize her do not flush her live what ever else you do. It is cruel to the fish and more fish survive this then you think and then waste away in raw sewage. Give her every chance possible though before euthanasia.



May 2, 2007
Savannah, GA
have you tried things like live mosquito larvae or frozen blood worms? Or live brine shrimp? Maybe a change in diet would help.

And make sure you used blanched unbuttered peas that were previously frozen, or boiled peas that dont have any butter or salt in them. Put a bit of the soft interior of the pea on the end of a toothpick and move it aroudn to make it look alive and more inviting.

Hope it helps!!


AC Members
Aug 14, 2006
Syracuse, NY
Again, I was not intending to flush ALIVE. I wanted further advice to see if she could be saved. I would've rather had the chance to put her out of her misery than to sit back and watch her die.

I tried the peas again, but alas she would not eat them. Toothpick and all, she would not eat. Unfortunately, it was too late. I woke up and she was gone this morning. I hadn't fed her in a couple of days but she just kept getting bigger. I'm really sad she lost the fight.