Skinny elephant nose fish

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I have had my elephant nose fish for 2-3 months and he is getting skinny, even though he eats everyday. I see him eat, I know he's eating, but he's so thin. The same thing happened with my last one, and he died after a few months, so I am really scared. But this one eats better, eats more, and is more active, so I thought he was going to do well. I even gave away some of my bottom-dwelling fish so he has little competition for food. I feed once a day, usually frozen bloodworms and frozen mysis shrimp, and at least once a week I try to give him live blackworms and/or live bloodworms. I don't know what to do. He is definitely eating, but he doesn't gain any weight, and he's getting kind of lethargic (or maybe he is just comfortable?). Any advice would be appreciated.



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Feb 12, 2011
San Jose, CA
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He doesn't have a sunken belly. In fact, he has a little belly bulge, especially after he eats. But other than that he's a popsicle stick. His body doesn't get broader toward the "skirt", it just stays narrow except for that belly. My last one didn't have any belly at all toward the end of his life so at least I know this one's doing better. And he doesn't spit out food or just eat a little and then stop. I don't know what his poop is like though. I've never seen him poop. I know elephantnoses are very sensitive to medications so I'm kind of scared to try medicating him unless I'm sure he needs it.


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Feb 12, 2011
San Jose, CA
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What size tank do u have, what temp., and what parms?

Also, it just could be that whichever store you are getting them from has bad stock or sick stock, and that this one might have been a bit healthier than your old one.

good luck:)


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Feb 12, 2011
San Jose, CA
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It might be because of the size of the tank, as they get 9"+ and need at least a 40G tank. It could be because of the amount of room/space to swim in. I don't know as I have never kept them, but as they stay on the bottom, the tank needs to have more of a large base instead of height like a 29G. I would suggest maybe getting a 37/38 long tank or returning the fish for store credit.

Also, what kind/amount of decor do you have, fake plants, live plants, rocks, etc.???
Your pH is perfect, and your temp is perfect too.


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I know the tank is small for a full-grown elephantnose but he is still pretty small and they grow slowly from my understanding. The tank is planted with lots of hiding places and natural rock caves. He has a few different spots he likes to sit in at different times of the day, so I think he's comfy. But he spends more time sitting with his belly in the sand than he used to. He used to spend more time hovering or resting on his fins. So I don't know if that's lethargy or just means he's relaxed.


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Feb 12, 2011
San Jose, CA
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I think it is because of tank size as they are like corydoras, active all the time, except way bigger. The fish may be justing staying in the same place because there isn't enough room for them to stay in. Even in pet shops, the minimum tank size they keep them in is a 30G long which has a huge base footprint which gives the fish way more room to swim. You could downsize to a 20L which would be better for the elephant nose.
that is the only reason i can think off