Swim Bladder

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Jan 2, 2005
I have a mature Angel fish that seems to be exhibiting the sings of swim bladder for a few days then is right back to normal two days later only to see the symptoms come back a few days after that. I first noticed that he seemed to be swimming cocked to the side a bit. The next day he couldn’t even hold his balance at all and was in a perpetual tail spin tumbling over his front. I was ready to euthanize him that night as he had little to no control over his motion and couldn’t get to food, but held off until that morning. I awake to see him still a little shaky but in control of his movement. The day after he was back to normal and charging to the surface for food. The rest of the week he seemed fine until I went down last night and he was out of control again and couldn’t stay upright. I left him that night lying on his side at the bottom of the tank. Today he is showing sings of improvement and I expect him to be back to normal tomorrow. What could be wrong with him and why is it so random?