WTB Thiara winteri snails (aka Spiky MTS, Prambanan snail)

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AC Members
Jan 12, 2011
NY, 11375
platy - I would not invest too much getting these. I imported a dozen from Germany a few Months ago, and they are not doing well in my baked clay substrate tank with low gh/kh/nitrate/phosphate,6.6pH,74F,nosalt. my observations are they stay buried in substrate much more than MTS do, and they do NOT climb the tank glass at night for air like most other trumpet snails. oddly I have never seen them gather around a wide variety of food I have tried with much enthusiasm like my ramshorn snails. after months in my tank these snails remain small, and I have not found any sign of breeding yet, so again, in order to thrive they may need specific tank conditions such as harder gh salt higher pH and temp water, not found in the average zebra shrimp optimized planted tank like mine. I suspect reseller details on these snails is inaccurate since they get breeding information third hand from exporters, and resellers may not stock these long enough in their holding tanks to really know what conditions they prefer in order to grow and breed properly.

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AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
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Thanks for the info. I have "liquid rock" well water so water chemistry hopefully won't be an issue. I'd love for them to breed, but as long as I could keep them alive and healthy I'd be happy to have just them. I have several fish I hardly see during the daytime (such as S. eupterus) including some inverts (Assassin snails) so I don't mind if they are not out and present much.

Hey, if you want to get rid of yours...shoot me a PM :eek:


AC Members
Jan 12, 2011
NY, 11375
I'd have to disrupt my tank too much to even find a few of them, so I won't be sending any to Florida, sorry. you have to ask yourself; why these snails and so many other trumpets are not selling in the US if they were so easy to keep and breed. as for display only snails, a few prime specimens may macro photograph well, but I don't find their appearance or behavior particularly remarkable and mine stay really tiny, so they get lost from view in anything larger than a nano tank. I hope once you get some, you have better luck than me ;)


AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
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Haha, gotcha thanks!

I'm thinking of a 10 gallon tank for mine, so I think I'll be able to get a look once in a while ;) I figured there was a "catch" to these snails, they are just too cool looking to be as easy as MTS (the way the sellers pitch them...yeah right!)

I have 3x 10 gallon invert tanks, they are kind of addicting. I like to fill them with as much diversity as possible given the size constraints, so these would just satisfy my collectoritis to some degree. I do wonder if they would breed true, with the spikes. Even if they didn't, I'd welcome a few normal looking offspring!

Another snail I'd like to try are Japanese trapdoors, but they get so huge - they would need a way bigger tank. It's quite hot here most of the year, so that might not be optimal for them either.


AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
Real Name
Just got mine in, thanks so much for the extras ;)

All of them were alive and the bag water didn't even smell...BTP is amazing to buy from! :D
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