Trip to a Local pet store

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i will eat you in your sleep
hmm so our silver dollars look more like silver dollars than monos...checking scientific name and such when i go to work today. so i'm confused, silver dollars are brackish and mono are saltwater? or silver dollar are fresh and mono are brackish?
also, try not to be too harsh on the employee. you guys have to understand that we really have no power over how stores operate or label fish, equipment, or care for them (short of quitting, which normally won't benefit the fish at all). So while you can yell all you want about how fish are mislabeled or kept in freshwater, theres nothing we can do about it. As you did, go to the owner of the store, or call the head of the corporation.


The Dancing Banana
Jul 14, 2005
Charlotte, NC
silver dollars are south american freshwater fish.

monos are an estuary fish - they start their lives in the most freshwater part of a river that leads into an ocean. as they mature, they move downriver into increasingly brackish water, and eventually into the ocean itself. this is why they can start in freshwater, but need to be put in water that has the salinity slowly increased over time to mimic the natural 'migration' towards full saltwater.

i agree with you that there can be confusion... honestly, the first time i saw monos in a chain store i thought they were angels with the fins cut off, and i was mad. a little more knowledge down the lineand i understood what i had been looking at that day. it *might* be possible that the monos in that store are very similar looking to SD's (maybe they are an all-silver version), but the store should still do the "customer is always right' thing and maybe look it up later.

here is a link that has pics.
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i will eat you in your sleep
oh wow, those are beautiful! Hmm suddenly a question a customer asked me months ago makes sense "well we have these fish that look like angels but with no fins". I was so confused.
ok..i gotta jump on the bandwagon real quick here. unless there was a silver could u mix those two up????


Jun 23, 2007
Aussie Land


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
And he could have just marked the tank with what the bag said it was when it came in. We all have much to learn on identification, and it simply could be an honest mistake.


i will eat you in your sleep
eh, manager or not, employees of chain stores are still bound by the policy corporate provides. we can't really change labels on things or print out new labels, and if the store doesn't carry a certain type of fish but the breeder sends it to us by mistake we won't have prices for them and thus can't sell them. then again we may sell mono's at another store (on purpose) so i dunno :)
i do agree with u on one point though, we definitely need to do more research on all the fish to tell them apart. i'm starting to make a book with pics of all the fish in our store along with their natural habitat, water needs, food needs, etc.
fish order day i try to not look at the labels on the bags and guess which fish it is (then look at the labels before putting them in the tank). Last friday i got 90% right (the cichlids messed me, guessed that the assorted were kenyi, bah)