Tutorial: How to make your own Vert Terrarium

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AC Members
Feb 4, 2007
After making these for quite some time I figured I'd share the way I do things. This is just my way, there is about 30 ways to do a terrarium this is just what works for me. So here we go....

(I'll be making a 10 gallon)

- 2 tubes of GE Silicone II (I use black or a dark brown its easier to hide versus a clear or white)

- 1 can of Great Stuff (16 oz)

- Driftwood, wood, branches, whatever (you can use stuff from outside just make sure you disinfect it! btw freezing wood won't do anything. You'll need to bake it in an oven)

- 1 Roll of Painters Tape (I get the cheap stuff at Ocean State Job Lots/Walgreens/Walmart/Target/Dollar Store/etc.

- Odds and ends like plants, soil, rocks, I use 1/2 inch pvc tube and cut it into small sections I'll explain more later on this.

The Start

1. First and most importantly you need to get some gloves, latex, doctor gloves, dishwashing gloves, whatever. Great Stuff Foam is SUPER sticky you will have it on your hands and anything you get it on for QUITE some time. In fact I still have some on my hand from a tank I made in december! Also make sure your area is neat! AKA no homework or important papers next to the tank, don't wear nice clothing etc.

2. Ok now that you're all set to begin you need to first have a CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! tank. Take it outside, in the bathtub and wash it as good as you can. Make sure you dry it VERY good. You should do some planning now before you begin because once you start spraying great stuff into your tank there is no stopping or turning back. Creativity is a beautiful thing, try putting some wood sideways,to the left, right, etc. etc. Take a look at other tanks for ideas.

3. Got your tank planned out? Ok great! Now you want to start taping down branches, wood, pvc piping etc. Like the picture below

Make sure you don't get great stuff on the tape or you will never get the tape off EVER! Also I took the tape off the pvc pipe before I put down the great stuff just make sure the great stuff holds the pipe where you want it.

4. Got everything where you want it? I hope so cause once you start it there is really no turning back. Grab your Great stuff and shake it up good, take a deep breath and start spraying the foam around your tank. Again make sure you take your time and don't spray your wood, pipe, etc. 16 oz. can of Great Stuff will fill the bottom of a 10 gal no problem. Keep spraying around your items until the can is empty. Remember this stuff expands a LOT so if you want a hill, cliff, etc then spray a little bit more on that side. After your done with spraying the tank LEAVE YOUR TANK ALONE! if you bump or nudge your tank in any way you can crack the tank. Been there done that lol it's not fun at all.

24-36 hours later

~time warp~

5. Your tank should look completely dry. How do you know its completely dry? The foam should look somewhat smooth and firm to the touch. If you flip the tank over the foam should look light. So it should look like this..

Yes that is a different tank but you get the point. Remove the tape from your items and now you have a choice. Personally I use a dremel, you can buy a cheap one for under 50 with accessories at walmart.

6. Now with your tape off grab your dremel or knife or razor and shave off the foam around your items a little bit. You don't want to completely remove the foam from your item but you want to shave it down a bit like what it looks like in this picture below

7. You can either use "Can-o-Air" or a vacuum to take out the shavings and dust that comes out. Also a wet cloth works very well to remove the dust. Try and remove as much as you can it doesnt need to be perfect but it will be much easier in the long rong. So nice clean tank that was vacuumed and compressed air blown into it

8. Now your ready to get dirty! I suggest you get some gloves it will be much easier to work with. So get your silicone ready like so

start pumping out the silicone over the FOAM ONLY, do sections at a time its much easier. I cut the tank into 4ths, so remember silicon 4th of the tank then take a handful of coco fiber (I personally use a mix of coco fiber, bark, and dirt) and press it against the silicone..move a few inches and do it again silicone and press your dirt mixture into it. Repeat until the tank is filled. It should look like so

Let the tank sit for 24 hours.


AC Members
Feb 4, 2007
Part 2!!!!

Ok so you let your tank sit for 24 hours right? Sometimes it takes a little longer but by 36 hours you should be fine.

First you need to do is flip your tank up so the top is on top and the bottom is on well the bottom. Then put down some newspaper or trash bag underneath your tank to keep the dirt from getting on the floor (unless you enjoy vacuuming and sweeping up dirt?) Now carefully brush the coco fiber off the foam, key word CAREFULLY you dont need to rip it off just make sure whatever is glued stays and whatever isn't glued goes to the bottom of the tank. Fill in any foam spots you see with silicone and some coco fiber

So your tank now should look some what like this. Now pull the top of your tank forward slowly and carefully and the loose coco fiber should go straight into the bag. Sweep the rest into the bag then go over the bottom with the vacuum to get any loose dirty or dust or whatever that didn't make it to the bag. Now your tank should look like so...

SWEET! We are now on the home stretch this is where the whole tank comes together.

You will need a drainage line so the soil isn't completely soaking wet the entire time. Personally I use river rock gravel its stupid cheap and in my opinion does the same thing hydroton balls do. If you look at my tank you can see I left about 1/2 inch of space from the side I do that so I can incline my gravel and substrate.

So grab about 2-3 cups of gravel and pack it up high in the back and slope it down to the front of the tank like this

You could put some dirt on this and call it a day but I like to make sure my plants stay alive in my terrarium (ya know kinda kills the point of having one if everything is dead). so I put down a very thin layer of pumice mixed in with activate carbon (yes that activate carbon). For those who don't know pumice is used on cacti & bonsai gardens along with a few thousand other things. Ebay has it pretty cheap remember its stone after all, and activate carbon you can get well yea you should know. Activated carbon is used to remove organic waste it does get "old" after a few months. So put a thin layer of active carbon down and then some pumice...

Now its soil time I use sphagnum soil mixed with coco fiber. First put down a light layer to cover the drainage line.

Clearly I'm not perfecting this but you get the point. Grab your plants and unpot them carefully and pull as much soil from them as you can. You want them bare root or as close as you can. Then simply plant your plants, I give mine a good trim after putting them into the tank.

Like so...just fyi if you use an Air Plant (Tillandsia) you will need to hot glue the plant to whatever you wish to put it on. Crazy glue, silicone will kill it. Now give the tank a good spray down and water the plants

Thats it for part 2
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;sup' dog? ;woof and a wwwoof!
Jan 21, 2009
this is looking to be an excellent write up dee... awesome.

first timers: do test your great stuff on a piece of cardboard first. spraying this stuff can be quite a learned art form. also don't spray it on too thick, especially in the corners. it expands and has the ability to split seems and shatter glass quite easily if you overdo it.


AC Members
Feb 4, 2007
part 2 is done and pending one of the mods putting up in post 2 for me