white spots

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AC Members
Oct 8, 2011
hi all,
i have just added my first set of fishes in my marine like clown,angel,tangs and some algae eaters.it was quite astonishing to see my tank has jus upgraded with stunning fishes to see.but i can see some white bubble like spots on my brown tang and angel fish.Is that a disease?? please need some help here.


AC Members
Apr 7, 2008
SJ Cali
sounds like ich, if it's a fowlr, use copper. if reef go with no-ich and a cleaner wrasse, follow the directions though


AC Members
Apr 5, 2010
If your water quality is great, and your fish are eating, do not immediately start thinking of ways to treat them. Feed them a little extra and monitor for a few days, and most likely they will rid themselves of it. Starting any type of treatment will only cause stress and lower immune system. Please, leave them alone and just make sure your water quality is top notch. It seriously frustrates me when people immediately start recommending all different treatments and medications which in most cases don't even work. Copper is extreme, and should only be used in extreme cases. All the other so called ich medications are a joke in my opinion, and not worth the money, or pollution to your tank. My fish have had ich a few times, and always fought it off themselves. Stress = lower immune system = ich. Treating for ich = stress = even lower immune system = ich has a winning chance. (besides with copper or hypo - salinity) . Great water quality + healthy diet = strong immune system. That's the recipe for my tank's success at least. :)


Sea Bunny
Oct 14, 2010
South Florida
cleaner wrasse
Considering they usually don't eat ich, seems like a silly reason to buy one.

I agree on avoiding copper. It is a good way to eliminate any possibility of a CUC or corals. Once added, even constant water changes won't remove it 100%.
I've used Seachem Metronidazole + Seachem Focus to successfully treat it. But it was an extremely minor case and it could well have been the fishs' immune systems that did the work rather then the medicine. That is the problem with ich treatments in general. The only 100% remedies tend to be hypo or copper, both very intensive and take weeks to work. You'll find plenty of stories on both sides of the fence about everything else, ranging from not working at all to working completely.

But lets not get a head of things her. Take pictures. Upload pictures. Get an ID confirmation first, then consider remedies. For one thing, there are two ich-like parasites in the saltwater world.


AC Members
Oct 21, 2011
The Far East
Real Name
It will agree with Vera on this one. There is a very good chance that your fish will overcome the ich after some days. Don't add anything as yet. What you could do is feed them special frozen foods which have been boosted with vitamins. You could also dose your tank with a vitamin solution to give them a boost. Another thing you could try if it doesn't clear up or if it gets worse - to drop your salinity to 1.018 gradually. Try it to 1.020 first and see how that goes.


AC Members
Oct 8, 2011
hi friends , thanks for all your answers for my surprise i don t see any white spots today,some thing must have changed .And so far thanks for all your comments.


Sea Bunny
Oct 14, 2010
South Florida
The thing with saltwater ich is that it can come and go. You can eliminate any traces of it in a tank, but you basically have to work from the very beginning and put a bit of extra work into doing it (copper QT and long-term QT for anything going in the tank). Otherwise it basically is a part of the tank ecosystem. Fish can develop temporary immunity and long-term resistance, so it can come and go with stress. If your fish had it then it'll probably remain in their gills at the very least, but you may not see any signs of it anymore as long as the tank stays healthy and peaceful.

And since your tank hasn't been wiped out we can now at least cross Velvet off the list of possible sources for the white spots. It may have been ich. It may have just been something that looked like ich.