Worst nightmare..Please help!

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AC Members
Nov 12, 2005
Jonah---any progress? Most likely evaporation lowered the water to a point where it stopped leaking--unless you have a sump or auto top off. None the less......
To determine if the leak is at the top, drain some of the water out until it's about 2 inches (sorry don't know metric) or so from the top. If it doesn't leak anymore you found it. If it does, keep dropping the level until it doesn't leak. Then, drop it down about 3 more inches to give yourself room to work with the silicone---seal all the seams until you are comfortable that you have solved it. Give it 48 hrs then fill it back up--be sure to use aquarium sealant or something that specifically says safe for aquariums or fish. And be careful not to drop any in the water.

My tank leaked from the top back corner. It was evaporation creaping up between the plastic frame from the inside out. I have a sump so I just lowered the overflow to lower the level inside the tank. The method above fixed it. I put a dab on my finger and ran it along the inside edge. Slow, but effective and there's no silicone on the outside.


AC Members
Apr 14, 2006
Thanks for all the help guys, really appreciated.

The good news is no more leaking. I think the leak must have been from very high up in the tank.

I'm going to live with it for now until I can afford the new Aqua Medic I'm looking at!