WOW,been gone for a while

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AC Members
Feb 4, 2013
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Did someone say Facebook?! I need to go update my status and post a picture real quick! LOL :D

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AC Members
Jun 14, 2012
Central Illinois
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I blame it on the new people....but I can't help but wonder...oh wait sorry I saw something shiney. What I was saying was I too was a global moderator for a c.b. radio forum. And the first forum I was apart of crashed hard. I can tell you the main reason was people not being friendly. And then of coarse there was no senior members/ experts...well that agreed on the hobby/ tech info. So basically lack of leadership, info, and lack of community cause forums to burn like Rome.

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FI double SH ROD
Aug 18, 2005
Pompano Beach,Fl.
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Wow , lot of great comments !! I remember a lot of fun times on here ,I really enjoyed being part of a community ! I don't have that anymore sad to say :( Maybe some day things will pick back up , if I recall WAY BACK in the early days of AC there was a time when things slowed down and then picked back up .
Good to see you guys again ! :)
I got to go back to watching the Stanley Cup game .


AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
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Facebook has been around for many years. Facebook Groups certainly have taken the place of forums, in a way, and FB in general certainly changed the internet, but it isn't stopping other forums from thriving and growing. Cichlid-forum and Planted Tank are two that come to mind. This forum just feels neglected to me. I guess I don't have a right to complain, since I'm not going to do much other than casually participate, but it needs more than just routine maintenance, and that's all I really see getting done. There comes a point of diminishing returns, however, so I completely understand just letting things go...maybe it's time to put AC to bed.


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
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Mr. Normal
I used to moderate a forum which was always dead (WWM) and the other moderators always seemed to have a seasonal excuse.

In summer - "Oh, the weather's so nice outside, people are traveling, enjoying their summer vacations..."
In the fall - "The kids are just starting school..."
In winter - "The holidays are coming upon us, people have family visiting..."
In the spring - "People are tending to their yards, doing spring cleaning..."

The truth is, nothing begets nothing, so if there is no new content being generated, this forum will be perpetually devoid of activity. People need to sell stuff, write articles, have discussions, post pictures, etc. We tried generating it ourselves, but it doesn't work without "audience participation " so to speak. I eventually bowed out gracefully, and the few months I was away from this forum I didn't miss it much...I am sorry though, that it has gone so very stagnant!
Facebook has been around for many years. Facebook Groups certainly have taken the place of forums, in a way, and FB in general certainly changed the internet, but it isn't stopping other forums from thriving and growing. Cichlid-forum and Planted Tank are two that come to mind. This forum just feels neglected to me. I guess I don't have a right to complain, since I'm not going to do much other than casually participate , but it needs more than just routine maintenance, and that's all I really see getting done. There comes a point of diminishing returns, however, so I completely understand just letting things go...maybe it's time to put AC to bed.
You have summed it up, with argument though...and decided to participate in the collapse from your own statements. Forums sway...groups that associate or click...things change and they move on. The neglect is from the participants....


Global Moderator
Jun 15, 2008
Central NJ
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Camera Used
Canon PowerShot SX260 HS
I don't think the blame can be placed on any ONE thing. Participation is nothing without leadership and vice versa.

I submitted several photos for POTM, years ago now, and either would get no reply or told there were not enough people participating which I say is both parties faults because the leadership should have done more to encourage participation and the people that wanted the contest to happen should have submitted photos. Members not participating in contests is a clear sign that something is wrong and needs to be done.

The banners? Why are the banners SO outdated? I don't know what happens "on the other side" but are we really that alone here? :(

I know I am not a BIG name around here but I was always making threads, replying to others (not much on the advice end because I did not feel qualified) and posting pictures (granted they were not prize winners) but I was receiving VERY little response and then.....we got hit with a group of young arrogant members that were like a plague of locust swarming the boards which was when I decided to leave for awhile. It broke my heart when I returned to see the nothingness.

So what can we do about it? I have been trying to be as active as possible, updating my threads and answering questions. Suggestions? BTW I am getting a new camera so expect to see more pictures from me, whether you like it or not! :p:

EDIT: I am SORRY that my posts are always so long. :eek:


AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
Real Name
Deleting spam, banning members, moving threads, closing threads, replying to threads...that's kind of just the routine maintenance, and it takes up some time, maybe all the time anyone wants to give. However there are a few extra things that can be done, which add excitement and generate enthusiasm. If no one wants to do them, that's one thing (if they don't know what they are or how, that's another I suppose) but these are things that can't be done by members, only mods. Maybe another suggestions thread is needed. Amidst the impractical or trivial, I am certain there would be some solid recommendations.

I have zero aquariums set up at the moment, so I honestly don't have much to contribute other than my knowledge and experience. Not any fun stuff... :p:


;sup' dog? ;woof and a wwwoof!
Jan 21, 2009
The neglect is from the participants....
while that might be true, the burden of damage control and repair ALWAYS falls on the admins/CEOs/managment/owners/etc..

Nicole hit the nail on the head whether anyone wants to face it or not. there are even mods on this site that have chosen to be more active in communities elsewhere...

EDIT: and i can't believe i almost missed this... but... you've been missed double SH rodman. good to see you checking in again.