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Sweetie's keeper
May 26, 2002
Fairbanks, Alaska
My Nicholas does that too. Only, he does it to me! So, we have mouth-off contests. It's so funny how "ugly" they can make themselves look when they do that.


Go Packers!!
Feb 19, 2002
Westfield, NJ
i think he does that because he knows as an oscar that he can't really intimidate any other fish. so he intimidates his reflection.

by the way, very neat looking oscar. like the ton of orange on his body.


AC Members
Dec 2, 2002
San Francisco
Can't See!

Ack, I can't see your Oscar's pic!!! I love Oscars, and you, quantim0, shouldn't say anything about Oscars. I made a mistake earliar, my Oscars are now 6 inches long... but when they were only 4 inches, they killed over 100 feeder fish, 20 guppies, a Tinfoil Barb, and a Clown Knifefish. I purposely fed them the Goldfish and Guppies, but I was trying to have the Knifefish and Barb be tankmates. I had the 5 of them in the same tank. Three Oscars, a Barb and a Knifefish. My first Oscar was Grouch, my second one was Creed, and my last one was Arkady. All three of them are Long-tailed Oscars, so in general they should be less agressive. First Grouch and Arkady killed off my Knifefish within the hour I put him in. Then Creed chased down and killed the Tinfoil Barb the very next day. I noticed Creed and Arkady would swim around the tank together, and Grouch would constantly follow them. Overtime, I noticed Grouch and Arkady would always fight, and eventually I saw Grouch belly up at the bottom of the tank, every single scale on his body was plucked off. They're lil piggies! I just threw in a bunch of goldfish, about 60 on Sunday, and Monday evening there was only one left. This is my first time raising Oscars, but I've always had a fascination with them, especially when my uncle had about 6 Tiger Oscars growing up ni a 200 gallon tank. I can't wait to get a bigger tank like that. The people I boght my fish from told me my fish are so agresive in their pair, that I can't even throw in a full grown Oscar, or they'd make lunch-meat of it too. He told me the only thing that can live with my lil' monsters is a fully-grown Arowana. Tell me what you think of my future tank... 1 Arowana, 2 Oscars, 1 Redtailed Catfish, 1 Moray Eel, and 1 Plecostomus. The Arowana can have the top lair, the Catfish has the bottom, the Eel can hide in the caves and such, while the Plecostomus has the sides of the walls... leaving the rest of the tank to my Oscars. Every single fish has it's own territory... would that work out?


AC Members
Dec 2, 2002
Los Angeles
Visit site
If you attempt that I hope you are planning on a 400+gallon tank. Ang Mighty I saw your Oscar's pic yesterday and even though I don't like Oscar's it was a really cool pic.


Best Invention EVER!
Apr 16, 2002
Barrie, ON. Canada

Arkady: Sorry the pic is messed up...I had to switch accounts and the new one won't post the pic unless I am signed in to that site...Total BS...ANyway, if you right click on the x, and select "properties" it will display the URL...Copy that and paste into your browser window...It will pull it up.
Re the tankmate thing, I'd avoid an Aro...They can get over 3 feet and will make lunchmeat out of an Oscar, No problem.

If you only have one adult O now, chances are you will not be able to intorduce anyone to him...Some will get over it and be a reasonable tankmate, but most Cichlids donot and see the new fish as an intruder...Not always the case, but yours sounds particularily agressive and he would probably kill a new one. I had a rescued Oscar like that...A real nasty bugger...Couldn't have another Oscar near him...He would either kill him or slowly rip them apart...The best time for a successful intro is when they are little...It gets alot harder as they mature. Hope that helped.


AC Members
Dec 2, 2002
San Francisco

Yeah, I figured as much. I decided to just stick with my two Oscars. I love 'em anyway, but in the long run, I might have to introduce an Arowana, but only when my babies are fully grown, and the tank is large enough to avoid confrontation if needed. I have a love for Oscars, but a real strong fascination for Silver Arowanas. I guess it's their body design, looks prehistoric almost. Plus I like how they glide across the surface of the water. None the less, MoJo gave me great tips on how to raise my Oscars, and considering he seems ot know what he's doing, plus he has the perfect pet in my eyes... his Albino Veil Tail... I'll take his advice accordingly... I'll post some pics of my fishies once I can get some clear shots of them... you guys can watch them GROW!!! ^_^


AC Members
Dec 2, 2002
San Francisco
Now that I read over the posts, this reminds me of my friend's Red Devil. He has set up a 100 gallon tank just for this one fish alone, meanwhile he has like 8 Oscars crammed into a lil 80 gallon tank. He trains his fish to be agressive on purpose, that's what he's into. Anyway, his Red Devil had to be seperated 'cuz it killed anything and everything in the tank, even the gravel on the floor, the tank is entirely bare 'cept for his fish. Whenever any even walk by his tank, it would follow them and attack, verociously at the glass. My friend would humour me by walking back and forth, the Red Devil following his every movement. He also has another 80 gallon tank with a 5 Star General, Jack Dempsey and a Paradise Fish [???]. Surprisingly his paradise fish was still alive.