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AC Members
Feb 15, 2008
I'd say it's neither ick (always distinctly granular) or fungus (very rare; nearly always actually bacterial). It's probably a mixture of bacteria - Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Flexibacter and columnaris. Pristine water conditions and initially something like Melafix would be a start; salt will achieve very little although at the levels usually prescribed it wouldn't actually kill your snail or loach.


AC Members
Jun 15, 2008
TY for the info!

:headshake2: Another one bites the dust!!! This time it was a young feeder guppy male. The only thing I saw was a small white patch on the base of his tail but that was it, besides he was stuck on the filter so that may have chewed what was left. Yesterday I noticed a black spot in the same place on both sides of his body, say mid way down his body under his top fin. Thought maybe it was just a marking of color on him as he matured but maybe that has something to do with it.

Dosed last night same time as the night before with pims/mela. So hopefully something will take effect. As long as the gourami and the loach do ok. I have not noticed anything on them yet!

I can't get a still shot of the fish that is clear to see. I tried about 50 photos last night and still nothing. I will try again today and see what I can do...
It is the 10G tank and the fishy friends that are in there now should be on my tank set up list. The loach is a hillstream loach. He and the Gourami seem to be the only ones thriving in the tank, the others are just living. Sooo I think once or if these guppies pass on no more guppies for me.
Thanks for everyones help I really appreciate it!!!