z28sseater, this is for a 1 on 1 chat with you, its in the open for others to see

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AC Members
Nov 16, 2008
Thanks rod. Appreciate your comment. I am actually going to upgrade to a bigger sump within the next 2 weeks. I got a 33 long that i am gonna build my self. I plan to keep the skimmers in the main tank. I am going to fill the bottom of the sump with a thin layer of sump mud. Load it with chaeto, live rock. Hopefully it helps with the nitrates and build some copepods for the fish to munch on. Also it will just give me something to additionally watch. I also plan to build a bigger biological system in the beginning of the sump. Any tips on building a good sump would be appreciated. Thanks


Aug 5, 2008
Real Name
I have no tips on building a sump but just google DIY sump and you will get alot to read and think about how you want yours to be set up.


AC Members
Nov 17, 2007
darwin australia
I have got to agree with you there Rod. Oldmanofthesea maybe you should change your name to GRUMPYOldManOfTheSea.
z28sseater it sounds like your doing fine to me. just keep your water parameters in check, and upgrade as you go. That's where we all start, even the grumpyoldman.
and it pays to research your fish before you buy. especially the expensive ones.
In saying that, i to have made the mistake of impulse buying, and payed the price.
marine aquatics is a relatively new hobby. and great advancements have been made in recant years. This said there are still plenty of things left to discover, for newbies like you and me.
Keep persevering, it will pay of.
I have just made my own sump for my new 160 gal tank setup. It is a little different to the ones i have seen. but i think it will work great, it seems to flow good. check it out in marine newbie, Setting up the base.
let me now what you think.


AC Members
Mar 21, 2007
Hillsborough NC
ram303, your a young man with a mouth who shows no respect to the older generation, and in time, you will could be called GRUMPYram303. perhaps it is funny, but I never went calling names or attempted to insult another in these forums.

I opened this thread in trying to talk with him, and afterwards I notice that all i was doing was wasting my time, I didn't see any further reasons to continuing with z28sseater and he will learn sure enough on things. I will not answer another topic of his again, even if he is asking questions on any moray eel species. I found out from others like him in the past, trying too hard to help and others hate you for it because you taking things to a certain misunderstanding point of view.

So no, I was sincere when I was trying to talk things out with z28sseater, but that is over some two months before your remark here, its something you had no reason to do for I was quiet just like I said I will be. Your best to give everyone a certain amount of respect no matter what it is you no like of another person.

Look again at the topic of this thread, I began it to try hard to get through too z28sseater, so I ended my chat with him two months ago, now you with all others who viewed this thread, made no personal comments, but you, you have to say something, being your nothing else better to do. You want respect, then don't talk out as you done here. I don't care for people who comes around months later and their bored, and as it is, you gotten no TY response for your comments, meaning you were most liely not that much of a help.

I will list you with him to not offer anything on any topic, that is if I know a good response to offer you. I will not comment, this thread mods, should had been lock up a few months ago and this ram303 here wouldn't had an opening here to be a smart mouth. If one more like this ram303 person does something in a personal matter, the staff here has my permission too revoke my membership here at AC.

This was the reason why, twice at RC, I requested my membership there as well to be revoked because they had too many who were rude and nasty. And ram303, if I was not a good person, i wouldn't tried as hard in trying to get a message through to z28sseater, when i seen that i was wasting my time here, I knew then that it was a mistake to try. That was my only fault here!! :topic::footinmouth: Im really not laughing. Any warning to give, don`t please, just revoke my AC account.

Sorry, I didn`t ask for some smart mouth to become personal!!


AC Members
Jun 29, 2009
Old Man, please dont leave us! I've read quite a few threads now with your valuable expertise and information and I would be dreadfully sad if you left us alone at AC.


AC Members
Mar 21, 2007
Hillsborough NC
If you would like to see some greater amount of responses to eel questions, go to RC and look under the name DragonMorayEels, here in the line of questioning on eels, has been little in comparison to then, for i answer to every eel question that came up. I was never selective like some person I know.

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