$50 craiglist 225 tank/cabinet/canopy DIY refurbish

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The Fish Envy
Jul 5, 2009
Real Name
Angel Rivera
Hey whenever something is going way too smooth there's always a roadblock in the way that we have to go around. Looks awesome Gunner. I think you are filling the house with tanks like me Gunner. hahaha :)


AC Members
Aug 13, 2006


AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
:clap: way to go:clap:


USN/USCG 1974-2004 Weps
Re-leveled and refilled the tank, using a Q-tip touched up the nicks and scratches on the cabinet/canopy finish moving it, and installed the establish FX5 from my Koi 80 tank which already had two other established filters (AC 110 & H-mag). Oh and I also installed a new Rio 1400 Powerhead I also got on sale for $21, it injects air really well and seems to have a very strong current but this tank is so big it just adsorbs it no problem. Oh and I still have the Tom's PS4 Sump to install, holding off to get some pointers from Rod De-California as he knows these things which have more parts then a Swiss watch LOL.

I had already cut and hung the hoses from the new boxed FX5 for the 244 and was about to hook up new when it accrued to me that swapping out the established FX5 from the Koi tank would be a huge boost in the cycling process of the 244 and that the Koi tank already having two other established filters would not even be affected the slightest bit if a new FX5 was used to replace the cycled filter.
Ill be monitoring the ammo, nitrate, & nitrite of both filters, but I really dont expect any spike other then maybe .25 PPM ammo, will see.

I only had a 2 gallon bucket of clean washed sand so I obviously have to get down to Lowes and buy more for $7. I just hate lugging those 90lbs sacks that are made of paper, leak at the corners, and can tear so easily. I do have 4 large pieces of Malaysian driftwood and 8 giant ornamental plants all of which were on super sale at Strictly Pets. Ill post pics when it set up a little better, just hope I don't get visited by the dreaded Diatoms from the new sand.
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USN/USCG 1974-2004 Weps
Lowes Home improvement didn't have the course sand I like which is more salt and pepper color with the grains plainly visible, so I settled on medium grain which I never tried. I can tell you now that after trying fine, medium and course construction sand, course is definitely more natural looking IMO and easier to wash. It seem that the finer the sand the more time and the more loss in silt occurs. Fine sand seemed to be the worse loosing what seemed like 50% of the total amount you start out with, but medium was not nearly as bad. With the clean trash can method of washing i.e agitating with the hose and then dumping out the same amount in water really does the trick. You still get a little cloudiness as you can see in the photo, but not as bad as raw unwashed sand.

I was able to finally remove and use that home tree stump I had sitting in a water tank in the back yard. The fungus finally stopped growing on it and the smell subsided with only little moss on top. I think it looks good inside the tank.

I still have a long way to go with ornament I have to weight down. Im going to try filling the ornament plant base's with clear silicone and sand mix including the entire base to make it look like the base is just sand rather then the obvious siliconed pebbles for weight.

Still cycling of course with feeder fish and adding a little prime each day only until the .25 PPM reading subsides.

Once ready I will transplant my 14 AF cichlids and replace the entire inside seal their 80 tank. Decided its probubly the best way to go since the entire top perimeter is weeping potassium salts.



Registered Member
Oct 7, 2009
incredible journey

some parts of the tale remind me of this guy


I have a 100 g sitting on the floor because the back separated...so glad I was home and had help holding it together as I got the fish out and vacuumed all the water up with the Craftsman Shop Vac monster. So now I have to reread everything and get to work !


USN/USCG 1974-2004 Weps
I finally took a moment to sit down and itemize my cost in supplies for repairing the tank and restoring the cabinet and canopy just what you would get if you bought a new aquarium at the lowest discounter. Glass Cages $1300 for their 244gal 72X24X31 tank with canopy and cabinet and an additional $240 for delivery.

Below are my true itemized cost with no value placed on what I learned, the journey, and the accomplishment, and most important sharing it will all of you priceless.

Tank, stand & canopy..............................$50

Tempered glass bottom beveled & polished...$168

Cabot stain (1QT) & Polyurethane (1QT)......$21

New 1/4 sheet power sander to replace
old Craftsman that finally broke should
only count for 10% percent since would
have been replaced anyway.Cost $50............$5

Sand paper...............................................$15


Razor blades & handle $25 only 50% used.......$13

Silicone 1-10oz"All Glass"($10) &
6-10oz GE-Silicone I ($24)...........................$34

Clamps 4-C ($20) and 2-Long ($30) total
($50)but still like new so discounted to.$13

Gorilla glue & Elmers wood glue......................$6

Polishing Compound.....................................$2

Steel saw horses 2ea ($45)still new so
discounted to ...........................................$12

Light fixtures 3ea ......................................$24

Ten 2x4 studs 10ea ...................................$18

One 4X8ftX3/4 inch sheet birch plywood........$42

Brad finisher nails........................................$12


Grand Total...............................................$467


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
Looks great! Plus a lot of satisfaction in a job well done!


AC Members
Aug 13, 2006
ANY project that allows me to finish with more tools than I started with and an over all cost savings makes me happy! Just saying is all, Ya I love new tools! LOL