Mafia 78- The Gunslinger Returns...The Play

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Lady G

It's a mafia thing, nothing personl
Oct 6, 2005
My thought on who is scummy... LG (didn't help, skimming), Ice(moot discution, overly helpful), Haydn24(pointing our helpfulness.
Ok, you see things as you want about for Ice, yes I can see the thought in what you are saying, but the Hay part...not sure what you mean, this is the post you quoted...
Okay, I just got home from golf :)

SO my thoughts on this game so far.

FF's first couple of posts did seem a little bit weird but this is my first game with him and I've heard many of times that he likes to 'play' around so ima just going to leave it at that for now and moniter him.

Ice, you also stand out to me as being so helpful and jumping on everyone. But that could just be you helping the town. It could be viewed as two ways...You taking the lead and helping heaps or you could be scum and be pretending to take the 'lead'.

But it is still first day so all of these assumptions are still just ideas and attemps to help the town :) Wiz, I hope you make the right decision on who to shoot cause we need to get off to a good start.
What did you mean "pointing our helpfulness"?

Lady G

It's a mafia thing, nothing personl
Oct 6, 2005
Mafia Goon:

You are a mafia goon. The mafia consists of Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D. You can safely communicate in the thread linked below.

The game thread will not be posted until XX evening (mm/dd), however, I will need your choice for the first Gunslinger by XX EST tomorrow.

You win when the number of living mafia members equal or exceed the number of living townies, minus the Gunslinger.
One? I hope he gets five.
Am I reading something wrong? You said you hope he gets 5...from the way I read it there are 4...(A, B, C, and D)?

Lady G

It's a mafia thing, nothing personl
Oct 6, 2005
It wasn't so much that he said I, it was that he said I would....

If the question was who do you think then..... I would..... would have been ok to use but since I said who do we think.... players should have said, I think they would.....

I know it sounds confusing but I can't explain it any better.

I would hope that as many games as you guys had played that if innocent you'd know it could be a trap and see what becomes of it and only blow it up if evil but I guess we won't know which it is till later in the game.
Ok, Ice the last part is eating at me here....we all know you are the famous "trap setter" so the fact you brought it up kinda makes me wonder.


Jun 28, 2010
Real Name
I didn't understand what he was pointing out either LG.

the wizard

Is it really Niko's fault?
Jan 28, 2010
Real Name

Once again the mafia has invaded ACville. In their attempt to run the town, the mafia has even gone so far as to rig the election for local sheriff. Fortunately, for the town, the newly elected sheriff's favors can't be bought. As usual, the town wants the mafia out...


This is a nightless setup, meaning there are NO mafia night-kills.
15 players: 10 vanilla townies vs. 5 mafia goons.


  • The mafia select a townie to serve as the first Gunslinger.
  • Members of the town discuss amongst themselves, and the Gunslinger picks someone to target by posting ‘Shoot So-and-so’ or similar.

  • If their target is a mafia goon, the target dies and the Gunslinger keeps the gun.
  • If their target is a vanillia townie, the Gunslinger dies and the target becomes the new Gunslinger.
  • Repeat until all mafia are dead, or the mafia's numbers equal the non-gunslinging townies.
  • An investigation may be granted to any player, randomly. The gunslinger will not be granted an investigation. It is the player's decision on how to use/disclose the information granted from the investigation. Remember, a mafia goon may be the one granted the investigation rights. There may be more than one investigation in the game, though there will not be more than one investigation per nightfall.


Vanilla Townie:

You are a vanilla townie. Your job is to identify the mafia members, and to try to help the Gunslinger accurately target them. Should you be targeted by the Gunslinger, that Gunslinger will die, and you will become the new Gunslinger.

You win when the mafia has been eliminated.

Mafia Goon:

You are a mafia goon. The mafia consists of Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D. You can safely communicate in the thread linked below.

The game thread will not be posted until XX evening (mm/dd), however, I will need your choice for the first Gunslinger by XX EST tomorrow.

You win when the number of living mafia members equal or exceed the number of living townies, minus the Gunslinger.



1. All game mod decisions are final. If you disagree with something, or have a question about the game, feel free to PM me.

2. You may not quote your role PM to prove your innocence.

3. No editing of posts!

4. Special mod powers may not be used by any players possessing site modding privileges.

5. No discussing this game outside of the thread, even if you are dead, unless it is in the ghost chat provided by the mod. Dead scum will have the option of staying in scum chat OR joining ghost chat.

6. Once you're dead, please do not post in the thread.

7. It's just a game. Please, no personal attacks on other players.

- If any player feels they are being personally attacked, please PM me and we can try to resolve the situation.
- Any player who says that they are quitting the game will be killed immediately, and their role revealed.

Note from the mod: Please respect your fellow mafia players. Remember quality >>> quantity.


1. The Gunslinger is always a known innocent, whose goal is to achieve a town victory.

2. To target/shoot another player, the Gunslinger must post ‘Shoot so-and-so’ and BOLD the statement. A targeting statement that is not bolded will NOT be counted.

3. Once a bolded statement targeting another player is posted in the thread, by the Gunslinger, the shot can NOT be taken back (ie, no retractions).

4. The Gunslinger will be given a deadline of 48 hours in which to take their shot. They may shoot earlier, if desired. If they fail to take a shot before the deadline passes, the Gunslinger will die, and the mafia will select another vanilla townie to act as Gunslinger for the town.


Any player not posting for 48 hours will die an untimely death (UD).


The vanilla townies win once all mafia goons have been eliminated.

The mafia wins when the number of living mafia members equals or exceeds the number of living townies, MINUS THE GUNSLINGER.


I will try and run nightfalls as quickly as possible after the gunslinger has shot. During the week I do not have computer access to the forum and I think the company I'm with has a force field around the building that blocks most cell signal. Don't be surprised if I can't run nightfall until I get home. Game discussion can continue in the twilight period.


The Wizard has been selected as the first gunslinger. Shot must be taken by 8 pm EST on Sunday (8/29) though it may be taken anytime before then.
Wish I could read you better LG, but your play is like this often. the above is the first post in the thread.

We face 33% scum this game. While it does give slightly better odds of hitting scum with first shot, it still looks like a crap shoot so far.


Nov 26, 2005
Rock Hill,South Carolina
Real Name
Ok, Ice the last part is eating at me here....we all know you are the famous "trap setter" so the fact you brought it up kinda makes me wonder.
I didn't understand what he was pointing out either LG.

I tried to word the post to explain why I put we in the 1st question but nothing I wrote really explained it well enough that I thought everyone would understand so I just admitted it to being a trap.
I really thought about just not answering the question at all in hopes it would be glossed over and still catch players but at that point I figured it didn't matter anymore and I'd still get a read on players from responses either way.

the wizard

Is it really Niko's fault?
Jan 28, 2010
Real Name
Just a quick note.

Pir and salt have yet to post.

Some of the others that have posted have not posted much.

This is a different kind of game. If the town expects a win they need to talk.

Ice pointed out that I should ask questions because I know what answers I expect. While that is good reasoning, my questions will be limited so as to not tip off the scum who I am suspecting. This, I hope, will avoid them being able to slink back to the shadows.

Even though it is still early, and there isn't anything to go on, I am going to ask you all to post who you would suspect and why.

Let's converse so I can draw a bead on scum.


Nov 26, 2005
Rock Hill,South Carolina
Real Name
I see Pir and Salt haven't even posted yet.

I wanted to see if I could put together a small list based off posts and gut feeling but it wouldn't be as accurate without their input so hopefully we here from them by tonight.

I don't like that my list consists of the most talkative players so far except for 1 player but posts lead me that way. At the same time this is a really easy game to hide in and for the most part how they played the last game.

That is the link to who posted last Gunslinger game, mafia were


Lab lasted the entire game. Annie died 48 hrs in,Zaffy then TRS followed each almost 48 hrs each after if I remember correctly so you can see both of them really laid low. It was because of lists,post content and who I felt at the time I could trust that led me to them. They could have easily been over looked.

I think I had an easier game being the Slinger, I could post however I liked with out worrying about how it was read. Take that into account Wiz, you can go hard after who you think is evil or you can make it look that way.


Nov 26, 2005
Rock Hill,South Carolina
Real Name
Ice pointed out that I should ask questions because I know what answers I expect. While that is good reasoning, my questions will be limited so as to not tip off the scum who I am suspecting. This, I hope, will avoid them being able to slink back to the shadows.
I think I had an easier game being the Slinger, I could post however I liked with out worrying about how it was read. Take that into account Wiz, you can go hard after who you think is evil or you can make it look that way.

Hope this part helps you, limited questions aren't needed and you're not going to get content without questions. But the bolded line says it all.

I wanted to give you a list. I'll say right now JB JS and Kash stand out the most. The way accusations fell on certain posts but mostly the comments about Dags post having no content to them.
I have some errands to do and today is NBA2K day with my friend so hopefully there is more posting I can look at tonight and give a more defined list with pulled posts included.


Seasons Greetings
Jun 16, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada
My comment
Well at this point that list would include everyone except Wiz.

No read on Rich yet but he is extremely difficult to read anyway.
FF'S comment on the same post

Itsa little early for a list. What about Rich's posts seem scummy to you? (Ie: seems off, gut, facts,slips, ext...)


FF's comment on my post.

hmmm, how does that help? Thats basically saying "Wiz, figure it out urselve" cept in a way that may seem helpful.

OK FF your response, like mine, indicates it's too early for a list, and I assume since your asking what seems scummy instead of offering an opinion you aren't seeing anything noteworthy in Rich's posts either, so what exactly about my post caused you to quote it when for all intensive purposes you seem to be saying the same thing?