$45 is gone...

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AC Members
Jul 26, 2008
Wilmington, NC
I was able to get my hands of (2) free flowerhorns. I ended up paying $45 for express mail shipping to get the fish to me overnight.

The package arrived at my po unit the next day, so I went to pick them up. After waiting 30 min. in line, the mailman brings out my package in a TRASH bag. :angryfire: The shipping box was SOAKED, and it had been crushed. ( it looked like someone wet the box with a water hose, and then decided to kick it).

I told the person at the post office, there was live fish in that box. I know that their was NO way that the fish were alive due to the amount of water that had leaked. I was TOLD by usps to refuse the package, and send it back to the shipper, so I did.

I was VERY mad when I got home, so I emailed the seller and explained to him what happened. His only response was "I packed them for a 3 day trip, so they were alive".

I emailed him back, and told him that I would try to file a claim since the package was damaged so bad. He refuses to help me at all, so I ended up loosing $45 from this.

Since the fish were free, their is no money I can get back.

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Merry Christmas!
Dec 3, 2009
Deep South
You want the person who was willing to give you two free flowerhorns to pay for the shipping because unfortunately the box was damaged during shipping? That sounds ridiculous, most sellers I know will guarantee the fish but there is no refund on shipping. And no guarantee on a free fish...


AC Members
Jul 26, 2008
Wilmington, NC
You want the person who was willing to give you two free flowerhorns to pay for the shipping because unfortunately the box was damaged during shipping? That sounds ridiculous, most sellers I know will guarantee the fish but there is no refund on shipping. And no guarantee on a free fish...
No, you misunderstood. I paid for ALL shipping cost.

Usps express mail is covered if the package arrives damaged, or gets lost. I was going to TRY to file a claim with the POST OFFICE to see if I can get my money back since the package was crushed. ( this is what prob. caused the fish bags to bust...)

I do NOT want nothing from the seller, besides a little effort in trying to help me file a claim with the post office. He won't listen because he thinks he packed them so well.
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AC Members
Jul 26, 2008
Wilmington, NC
So you can't file a claim without his help?
I could if I had all the information.

In order for the adressee to file a claim, I also must have

  • the shippers full name
  • his full address
  • and the EXACT cost of postage
He refuses to give me this, so I can't file a claim. I got these 2 fish online, but did NOT buy them from an auction, so I never got his information. I was given his paypal account directly via email.


AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
Real Name
Of course, if you had kept the package instead of refused it....the exact cost of postage would be on the meter sticker, and most likely he would have included his name and address in the return address section :(

Bummer, sorry it didn't work out!


AC Members
Jul 26, 2008
Wilmington, NC
Of course, if you had kept the package instead of refused it....the exact cost of postage would be on the meter sticker, and most likely he would have included his name and address in the return address section :(

Bummer, sorry it didn't work out!
Yeah. I should of stayed their to write all the info. down, but I was too mad to even think about that while I was at the post office. (stupid mistake...)



AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
Real Name
Well...just really sorry how it all went down!

Have you tried to explain to the seller that you'll leave them positive feedback if they'll just help you out and give you the info? (vs. no feedback, don't threaten to leave negative feedback or they will be likely to do the same for you)

I mean, it's not like it's going to cost him a dime!

I would emphasize that you understand that it was most likely an issue with USPS crushing the box, not an issue due to their packing. If you were a little hotheaded before (understandably) then it might be better to apologize...more flies with honey and all.


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
More likely an issue with improper packaging of flowerhorns...unless triple bagged and each bag coated with strong tape for strength and complete darkness.