REALLY intresting!

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you are hypnotized! LOL
May 31, 2005
fairchild wi 54741
Real Name
douglas harvey
ok supposely the egytion build theses pyramids for there *leader*, what if these *leaders* were not from our planet? they DID have a weird shaped most of them did anyways.......


AC Members
Feb 16, 2006
Sunderland UK
Doug i thought the Pyramids were landing sites for Alien ships and have something to do with a ringed portal to other worlds.


Stroke Survivor '05
Ignore the naysayers LBF, if they were around in 1492 the world would have stayed flat and Columbus never would have sailed to the Caribbean Islands.
He only went there because he heard it was a great place to vacation and that they had some good rum.


you are hypnotized! LOL
May 31, 2005
fairchild wi 54741
Real Name
douglas harvey
Doug i thought the Pyramids were landing sites for Alien ships and have something to do with a ringed portal to other worlds.
well thats what i think it si, i am a big time alien believer and LOVE anything to do witha all sorts of alien race :) but i also have a few theorys to :) ill name a few..

one: portals to another dimensions..
two: a signal pad like a phone in a way to call some form of alien race..
three: has somthing big to do with earth and the universe...

quite a bit more but ill leave it at that for now,unless you want to hear more?


you are hypnotized! LOL
May 31, 2005
fairchild wi 54741
Real Name
douglas harvey
also think it could be a whole new ufo in itself........

had a dream while taking a nap, ill post it..

alight there was this cloaked bio-spere world type thing, and this world was about the size of texas, but floating in mid air... well it somehow got uncloaked and we found it, threw a granade at it and just went through and landed on the ground and went off.. well ok i found the enterance to this thing and tried to go in, got myself blown back and knocked out from the force that is keeping this thing hidden.. well i finally got in after a few trys.. well i was in there not even a day and got back out........ i went in this cloaked floating thingy and i was 22....... came out i somehow died and i was 56 years old.......... i was in this thing NOT even a day and i died but somehow I was alive... everyone thought i was dead for some reason.. guess somehow this force made two of me in someway....... kinda like a twin effect if you will.......... so yeah... thought i would throw this out there..........somehow 1 day in this thing equals 34 years cause i died at age 56.... OH and after i left, i tried going back in this door.. got thrown back and knocked out a few times, and finally got it open and was like * screw it * and just shut the door.......little did i know........ i had people that saw me and wanted me dead so i was being followed and shot at quite a few times.. few times even came close to being shot.. even though i found out i was dead after i came out of thie bio-sphere world type thingy.. yet i was alive........ yea kinda like a twin.. it produced a twin like effect for me....... one inside this bio-spere and one in this world..........