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Sep 21, 2013
Paxton, FL
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Well, it looks like I have a little snail farm going on between my 3 tanks and outdoor pond. I see posts of people freaking out about massive snail populations all the time, but I have embraced the natural wonders associated with these rather prolific invertebrates.

Here's what I have going on:

In tank #1 there are hundreds of pond snails and 2 assassins (Clea helena) [29 gal TV Tank]

In tank #2 there are Japanese Trapdoor snails (which were moved from tank #1 after the explosion of pond snails), Malaysian Trumpets (moved from tank #3), and a few pond snails that snuck in. [40 gal Octagon Tank]

In tank #3 there are all the pond snails I pluck out of tanks #1 and #2 plus more assassins than I can count. [18 gal Propagation Tank]

In the outdoor pond there are pond snails (of course) and Japanese Trapdoors [not sure on size... maybe 1000 gal]

So that's a lot to keep up with, I know, but I've learned a lot about snails from having such a population! I should also mention that all of my tanks are planted, so these guys are my clean-up crew as well. Until a few months ago I didn't even own a single algae eating fish! I started with JTs and they were very entertaining, prolific, and great cleaners. Then one day I found a pond snail... I didn't know anything about them at the time, and before I knew enough, they had a population boom. Enter the assassins... I ordered these online to complete the circle of life for the pondies, and they were happy to be introduced. I apparently have a mixed group of assassins in tank #3 because now there are a TON of little assassins in training in there. It's all good... once a week I slip a piece of lettuce in tank #1, and in the morning I scoop out 10-20 pond snails and drop them in tank #3 to complete the circle. There aren't many pondies in tank #2, but when I see them I just pluck them out and drop them in #3.

So anybody interested in my natural approach to snails? What have you done with your population booms? I prefer not to use chemicals in my tanks, so I don't screw with the natural ecology going on. I'm more of a scientist than a fish pharmacist :)


AC Members
Jul 6, 2013
I leave my snails. If they clean all the food... They will die and a fish will eat them. If there is excess food they will just keep cleaning. I love my "pest" snails :D


AC Members
Sep 21, 2013
Paxton, FL
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leshrimp, I'm with ya! I checked out your quilted melania link too... I've never seen these before, but they look pretty cool. Still have some for sale? Do they "dig up" plants when they burrow?


AC Members
Jul 6, 2013
leshrimp, I'm with ya! I checked out your quilted melania link too... I've never seen these before, but they look pretty cool. Still have some for sale? Do they "dig up" plants when they burrow?
Nope they don't dig up plants. They are really similar to MTS and I always have more for sale!


AC Members
Aug 28, 2012
Another control you can try that's not chemical is the spixi snail. Asolene spixi.. they are quite predatory, will take out big mystery snails as well as the small 'pest' types. Since I learned that I keep them alone. They're useful because they're quite happy to eat such things as hydra, and while they are related to the mystery snail, don't get as large. Always a striped shell, shorter antennae too, and big, sloppy, messy egg batches, very similar to the giant ramshorns egg clutches. Quite attractive, once you get past their predatory and sometimes cannibalistic natures. If prey snail numbers get too low, they'll prey on each other as well, so you end up with very few of them.

I've yet to keep any Japanese Trap doors.. no pond for one thing. I do have Mysteries of many colours, several types of nerites, Chocolate Poso and Orange Rabbit Poso, as well as the spixis, blue, red and chocolate ramshorns, bladder snails and one lone pond snail that found its way in with some plants. I don't do anything to the little guys but grab them when I see them and plop them into the ostracod tank, where I hope they'll reproduce enough to let me sell them for folks who have puffers to feed.


AC Members
Sep 21, 2013
Paxton, FL
Real Name
I've never heard of spixis. I could feed an army of puffers with all the pond snails I have! I've thought about getting some, but I don't know if I want them or not. Do you ship the snails as food or just trade locally?

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