Am I overstocked

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AC Members
Dec 30, 2016
Hello, I've been out of the hobby for a while now and have been back in for a few months, I've had my 180 gallon 6x2x2 tyat I resealed set up for a few months now. I got a really good deal on it(200 for tank and stand plus he threw in a free 54 gallon that I sold for 50 bucks). So I got a 180 gallon tank with stand for 150(closer to 200 with gas prices and buying silicone). Anyway right now this is my stock list

1 pearsi cichlid(if you don't know what a pearseicichlid cichlid is they get slightly larger than Oscars)
1 jack Dempsey
1 green terror
1 convict cichlid
1 golden Severum
1 blood parrot
1 electric blue acara
1 firemouth Cichlid
8 giant danios
1 tinfoil barb(yes I know there schooling fish but I thought 4+ of them would be too much with everything else I had and I think there really cool fish)
1 featherfin catfish
1 common pleco
Right now all my fish are still pretty small.

For filtration I have 2 sun sun 304 B's and plan on making a canister as good or better than an fx6 using a pond pump a and a sealed 5 gallon bucket in the next few months. I do water changes every few days (40-60 percent). Would you consider my tank overstocked? And if so is it manageable with good mantience? I may end up thinking the stock out eventually if it ends up being too much.


AC Members
Oct 2, 2016
I'd say based on the list it will be a blood bath eventually. Having just one of the various cichlids means nobody is safe. Research and rethink.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
^^that's kinda what I was thinking too. But single cichlids will be easier than pairs of any. The oscar sized 1 will be trouble just by it much bigger size. Giant danios IME will try jump to get away from big cichlids.

Dempseys & green terrors will tend to ramp up the violence with the more mellow severum, acara & firemouth. I haven't kept tinfoils or blood parrots or had a 180g. Lots of hiding places may help too. I know they're small now but they'll grow. Have a plan for when this doesn't work out well.


AC Members
Dec 30, 2016
I'd say based on the list it will be a blood bath eventually. Having just one of the various cichlids means nobody is safe. Research and rethink.
if your talking about the green terror there not too bad and I'm prepared to rehome if necessary.
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AC Members
Dec 30, 2016
^^that's kinda what I was thinking too. But single cichlids will be easier than pairs of any. The oscar sized 1 will be trouble just by it much bigger size. Giant danios IME will try jump to get away from big cichlids.

Dempseys & green terrors will tend to ramp up the violence with the more mellow severum, acara & firemouth. I haven't kept tinfoils or blood parrots or had a 180g. Lots of hiding places may help too. I know they're small now but they'll grow. Have a plan for when this doesn't work out well.
pearsei cichlid are USSULY pretty mellow especially for there size anddont try to eat anything it can fit in its mouth like an oscar, Wich is part of the reason why I chose it as my main fish. The only cichlid I can see not working is the GT, the JD dosnt give me any problems at all, the only cichlid he shows any aggression to is the gt but even then it's only chasing. he dosnt bother anyone, the GT is aggressive sometimes but nothing besides occasinal chasing( I wouldn't even really call it chasing). Anyway I've kept new world cichlids in the past and know the risks of big community tanks of them and am willing to take the risk. It's not always the type of fish it's really the individual fish in my experience and getting them all small and having them grow up together should help. Anyway besides the the possible future compatability issues, is it overstocked?
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AC Members
Oct 2, 2016
I can appreciate your experince, but as stated above the bigger the cichlids get the more the largest clain territory. The JD and GT will escolate and the smaller cichlids will pay for the aggression. I could be wrong, but I'd observe like a hawk.
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