My aquarist rant

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Discus Addict
Dec 11, 2005
Gulf Coast Texas
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Howdy folks. My name is Mark and I'm a moderator here at AC and a lifelong aquarist; 48 years or so. In that time I've learned a lot of what it takes to keep my captives alive and, I hope, content with their lives in my glass boxes. I do not, and never will, profess to know it all. None of us does. Over the course of the next few days, I'm going to list some observations I've made about some facets of our hobby. I expect to upset some folks; the stocking police mostly, and some of the purists. Feel free to make any comments along the way. I may or may not respond.


sumthin fishy

I eat spam
Aug 22, 2005
central california
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I saw the title, and was instantly intrigued. The stocking police is a great one. I prefer to be extremely understocked, but have been happily overstocked (as I am now). I would love to see what you have to say on the subject :D


AC Members
Mar 14, 2015
I saw the title, and was instantly intrigued. The stocking police is a great one. I prefer to be extremely understocked, but have been happily overstocked (as I am now). I would love to see what you have to say on the subject :D
I love to be overstocked by some mysterious formula. Tell you what though, I refuse and won't have a bigger bioload than my filter can handle. I am way too lazy to go the extra mile to jump through hoops to keep up with maintenance of a system that has bigger bioload than filtration capacity.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
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How DARE you... My test strips indicate my water parameters are fine!


Discus Addict
Dec 11, 2005
Gulf Coast Texas
Real Name
In the beginning...

I won a goldfish at the Contra Costa county fair when I was 8 years old by throwing a ring, with an amazing amount of skill, around the neck of a coke bottle. With an equal amount of expertise, I went home (after mom had stopped at the five and dime to buy a bowl and some goldfish food) and unceremoniously plopped Mr. Goldfinger into his bowl. I filled the bowl to the top from the kitchen tap and set it on the desk in my bedroom. I was absolutely enthralled. As I sat mesmerized by my new best friend, I noticed the way his mouth moved rhythmically along the bottom and it soon dawned on me (I, at the time, being a very bright boy...or so I was told) that Mr. Goldfinger was hungry. I promptly tore the entire top off of the small cardboard box of goldfish food and, still very bright, dumped about half the box on top of my new best friend. As the cloud arose around him the first of the misgivings insinuated itself into a primitive recess of my brain. It quickly dispelled as my new best friend dove face-first into the 1/2" layer of supper settling to the bottom of his new home.

An hour later, after being called in by mom from playing in the back yard (time to bathe and get ready for bed) I ran straight to my room to look in on my new best friend. He was doing the same thing my puppy did after a large meal; sleeping peacefully on his back.

More to follow...
