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  1. Knoxx

    Shark Week...what the heck?

    I also was very disappointed. I didn't see the Megalodon show but heard about it. Sad thing is the person actually believed it. I saw the Voodoo shark show and was very sad that they have stooped this low. The Cape Cod program on great whites was good though.
  2. Knoxx

    Why do my tiger barbs keep dying?

    You should be able to keep the barbs and the angels together as long as you keep at least 6 tiger bards so they school and create their own community. Also make sure you have plenty of structure so each species can carve out their own territory. I agree that you need to rehome one of the redtail...
  3. Knoxx

    Electric Blue Rams

    You might have a CAE which is sometimes sold as a SAE. They get quite aggressive.
  4. Knoxx

    Electric jack Dempsey in a 55 tank mates?

    I've had good luck with a Redtailed shark and Giant Danios with my EBJDs in a 55. I also have a 12" Green Terror in a 90 with 6 Giant Danios and a Red Tail Shark with 4 YoYos. My Redtails only show aggression to the Yoyos and Danios since they share body type. The Yoyos seem to enjoy his rough...
  5. Knoxx

    Who is going to be the guinea pig?

    I must say this looks like it was designed by people outside of the hobby who really don't understand the process of healthy water. I have a confession to make. The 2 tanks that do have HOB filters that I own, I have never changed the media in them. All I've ever done is maybe 3 times a...
  6. Knoxx

    Best small aquarium for my desk at work?

    I like this little 5gal hex. Everything is contained in the hood and has a closed top so things don't get put or dropped into it that I don't want in it.
  7. Knoxx

    update all

    I'm sorry to hear that it killed your JD. That GT has lived about 2 months under the wood in my tank only coming out to feed quick. I hope her tail heals up well for you.
  8. Knoxx

    update all

    Hey LBF I thought you might like to see a picture of the green terrors sister. You can see that she's shy when I'm close to the tank. The EBJDs are adjusting fine to the 29 grow out tank.
  9. Knoxx

    Just say hello :)

  10. Knoxx

    Questions for teachers with tanks in their classrooms

    Not to rain on your parade but I would go with a small 5 gal tank with a Betta or some other fish that would be happy in it. With all the cuts to public schooling your husband may bounce around for a few years before he finds a job where he will want to stay and where they are eager to keep a...
  11. Knoxx

    How much water do you change?

    I do 30% to 50% every week or 2 depending on how many irons I have in the fire. Never let it go past 2 weeks though. I actually feel guilty for doing it since my draining hose only goes about ten feet out my front door so the water only helps the grass rather than using it a garden or trees that...
  12. Knoxx

    update all

    Do you want a Green Terror? I have one that needs a new home. I have 2 at about 8+ inches the bigger one is really starting to beat the hell out of the smaller one keeping it pinned all day under driftwood. She has a bite mark out of her tail but she should heal up fine. I was just hoping that...
  13. Knoxx

    FS ** EBJDS ** Shipping, P/U, SoCal, O.C. area

    Do you have any EBJD's left?
  14. Knoxx


    So many modern movies many of them very good but what about Gettysburg?
  15. Knoxx

    Leveling a 125g stand on uneven tile....

    I put my 90 gallon on a 5/8'' sheet of plywood then put the shims under the plywood to spread the load pressing up from the shims.
  16. Knoxx

    What i want Santa to bring me

    At 40" high you would need snorkel gear to tend your plants.
  17. Knoxx

    Not so fun Trout fishing trip

    I have a feeling Coach_z likes to wade while fishing. I tend to get hooks burried in my leg areas also when they hit my lure near the end of my retrieve. They see my legs as a great place to rub up against to dislodge the hook.
  18. Knoxx

    opening a bait shop

    If your unemployed I say pick thoose crawlers and earn some money while searching for a job. I don't know your area but you can try it.
  19. Knoxx

    Amazon River Disaster & Global Warming Facts

    Gunner I think you are wise. You are already addressing the issue. I worked construction in Laughlin NV. just across the river from you. With summer temperatures in the 120+ range. I think you are attempting to get your genetic pool ready for warmer temps.
  20. Knoxx

    Amazon River Disaster & Global Warming Facts

    Their you go Happypoet we are beginning to harmonize. I'm not saying humans have no effect on global warming and you now acknowledge the fact that we are not the only factor in the global warming. The thing as stated by others is to agree that we need to lessen our affect on a naturally...