Amazon River Disaster & Global Warming Facts

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AC Members
Jul 9, 2010
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Uhh... Knoxx?? I think Wisconsin's loveliness may have softened your brain. I know it did mine when I lived there...
***Please take the preceding as gentle prodding more interested in extolling the virtues of my favorite state rather than seriously attacking you***
But in all seriousness, I just reread the poll, and you misread it, not me. Read the whole thing, not just the first paragraph. The first paragraph is about the general population's views on scientific consensus. The rest is about the actual scientific consensus.
Second, I never claimed that "man is the only cause of global warming." What I've said, is that we're likely a major cause of it, and there is tons of data to support that along with, apparently, scientific consensus. If we are a major cause of it, then there is much we can do to affect the course of at least that portion of the event.

As far as the polar bear being "meant to die out." Who means it to die or not? God?


AC Members
Jul 3, 2009
Uhh... Knoxx?? I think Wisconsin's loveliness may have softened your brain. I know it did mine when I lived there...
***Please take the preceding as gentle prodding more interested in extolling the virtues of my favorite state rather than seriously attacking you***
But in all seriousness, I just reread the poll, and you misread it, not me. Read the whole thing, not just the first paragraph. The first paragraph is about the general population's views on scientific consensus. The rest is about the actual scientific consensus.
Second, I never claimed that "man is the only cause of global warming." What I've said, is that we're likely a major cause of it, and there is tons of data to support that along with, apparently, scientific consensus. If we are a major cause of it, then there is much we can do to affect the course of at least that portion of the event.

As far as the polar bear being "meant to die out." Who means it to die or not? God?
And they say I like starting that smelly stuff!


AC Members
Oct 10, 2009

1. When compared with pre-1800s
do you think that mean global temperatures
have generally risen, fallen, or
remained relatively constant?
2. Do you think human activity is a significant
contributing factor in changing
mean global temperatures?

These are the two questions asked in the survey. If you notice the first question is seeing whether you believe there is global warming. The second question asks if humans are a contributing factor. It does not ask if you believe humans are the only cause of global warming. To contribute to something it needs to already exist.



USN/USCG 1974-2004 Weps
I really believe that both sides have valid points that are wrong and right. Im not worried that we have all these fossil fuels to burn that just so happened to be available for the industrial revolution and mass population nor that man's population on this planet is totally dependent on using these resources to sustain us. What does worry me are those few that feel the need to take control and impose their belief will require the dismantlement of all self determination and the freedom to choose. If there is any remote chance of making inroads into the kinds of change the few in power are proposing to save the planet, democracy is going to have to die pure and simple and the masses are going to have to be ideologically controlled against their will. I fear that reality for mankind, much more then I fear global warming. I think Id rather die from global warming then live in a collective and dictated one world government. The time is coming when governments of democracy are no longer going to allow the people to toss them out of power becasue we happen to disagree, becasue they believe they know better and an emergency of global proportion is exactly what's needed politically to effect real lasting permanent change and most importantly compliance. Get ready because change is coming by the time we realize whats happened will be looking back at the global warming debate as the good old days when debating was fun.


AC Members
Jul 9, 2010
Real Name
1. When compared with pre-1800s
do you think that mean global temperatures
have generally risen, fallen, or
remained relatively constant?
2. Do you think human activity is a significant
contributing factor in changing
mean global temperatures?

These are the two questions asked in the survey. If you notice the first question is seeing whether you believe there is global warming. The second question asks if humans are a contributing factor. It does not ask if you believe humans are the only cause of global warming. To contribute to something it needs to already exist."

Yes, yes, I agree. I'm not sure that question implies that if one answer "yes" to it, you are saying there are other factors, though I admit the wording could be clearer.

But again, I'm not claiming it's the ONLY cause. I don't know. But it is A SIGNIFICANT one, meaning, if we reverse it or account for it, the outcome will be different than if we don't.

What we can take from the poll is that the vast majority of people most qualified to weigh in on the matter think that the climate is generally warming and that human activity is a significant factor in it. Agreed?

So shouldn't we act accordingly? Even if there will be other problems down the road from non-human created climate change?


AC Members
Oct 10, 2009
Their you go Happypoet we are beginning to harmonize. I'm not saying humans have no effect on global warming and you now acknowledge the fact that we are not the only factor in the global warming.

The thing as stated by others is to agree that we need to lessen our affect on a naturally occurring thing and try to slow it down to natural fluctuations of global temperatures


USN/USCG 1974-2004 Weps
So shouldn't we act accordingly? Even if there will be other problems down the road from non-human created climate change?
The million dollar question is who is we? We the people? Or we who are in power and must act! That is really what is at the hart of the matter and why we the people and the government who want to act are having this debate. All I'm saying is that the time for debate and disagreement are coming to an end and as much as I will resist that from happening, I don't think its avoidable, and the thought of "shouldn't we act accordingly?" will be all the justification that's needed.

I agree with Benjamin Franklin "those that would exchange freedom for safety deserve neither freedom nor safety"


AC Members
Oct 10, 2009
Gunner I think you are wise. You are already addressing the issue. I worked construction in Laughlin NV. just across the river from you. With summer temperatures in the 120+ range. I think you are attempting to get your genetic pool ready for warmer temps.


AC Members
Aug 12, 2010
Do note

This is from Badman's Tropical fish forum
Something worth to point out.

Do note that the article is completely devoid of references. Its full of inaccurate statements that were clearly made for political propaganda.

Ex: Quote
"as has already happened in Central Asia, where the fourth largest freshwater lake on earth, the Aral with 148 extinct fish species, has dried up completely. "
In this statement, the authors are trying to tell that this is the result of "global warming".

The truth: the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s after the rivers that fed it were diverted by Soviet Union irrigation projects.
Philip Micklin; Nikolay V. Aladin (March 2008). "Reclaiming the Aral Sea". Scientific American.

"The fact is that global warming has, from what I have seen during the last decade while doing research in aquatic habitats around the globe, increased by at least tenfold and I think that global warming is 100 times worse than what we are told."

The truth: The best and most renowned scientists cannot agree if global warming is even occurring. Yes, climates are changing, they agree to that. But the term "global warming" is at best a catch phrase used by the undereducated for the purpose of political propaganda and the author of this article cannot say that something that cannot be measured has increased ten fold.;topicseen