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  1. Aquaticfrog32

    New female Betta

    I added 2 more, it's a little betta. ( Pun! )
  2. Aquaticfrog32

    New female Betta

    Hello, I have a 20 gallon tank that has been up since march. Recently a few fish have passed away ( not from any illness ) and so I decided to get another female Betta. The new Betta, Suki, is eating and exploring her new environment, but my first Betta, Rupee, can be a little aggressive. She...
  3. Aquaticfrog32

    My tank

    Yes, that tank's a dream!
  4. Aquaticfrog32

    Sunburst platy sick

    Supposedly Livebearers breed like crazy. My mollies never did, and the female recently died. I guessed that she was just old, and that's why she never produced fry. Maybe your platy is just old too, and that's why he's sick/maybe dying?
  5. Aquaticfrog32


    Yes, it could just have been born like that. You could watch it closely for a few days and if it's doing fine you should keep it, instead of returning.
  6. Aquaticfrog32

    Beta Question

    Yes, I agree. If you try to put them in one at a time, the earliest added ones will already have their claims on parts of the tank. I think all Bettas are different in personality. BTW, if you do end up putting in the bettas in one at a time, I recommend switching up the ornaments each time so...
  7. Aquaticfrog32


    Water Parameters?
  8. Aquaticfrog32

    Help!!! Fish are dying one by one, each week

    Have you checked your fish for these worms? If your fish DO have small worms on their fins and inside the gills, the could possibly be anchor worms. If so, treat by tweezering the worms off. Good luck!
  9. Aquaticfrog32

    My angle fishs tail is turning blue

    The Betta ( the one that is my profile ) Changes color quite often! It's just an age thing, don't worry about it.
  10. Aquaticfrog32


    Perhaps it's popeye? I've had a fish with popeye before. The eye could fall out, he could die, or get better. I don't think popeye is too fatal. I recommend returning him. Don't go to the trouble of trying to cure him.
  11. Aquaticfrog32

    Three Word Sentences--with a twist

    Sally?! my god.
  12. Aquaticfrog32

    New tank setup

    Tank looks great! Welcome to the forum! BTW, Bettas, male OR female, should never be kept with gourami. They are in the same fish family and will get along terribly. If yours are getting along fine though, great. Don't change anything if that's they case. As for plants, some java ferns near the...
  13. Aquaticfrog32

    Three Word Sentences--with a twist

    Many merry memes.
  14. Aquaticfrog32

    Bettas - Are the females just as pretty as the males?

    I'd say that's about right, I love the betta:)
  15. Aquaticfrog32

    Look what I got my Hands on!

  16. Aquaticfrog32

    Three Word Sentences--with a twist

    One too many.
  17. Aquaticfrog32

    15 gallon Betta tank

    That sounds like a nice group of fish, Vincenia! Glad your betta's stopped chasing your rasboras, if there's any more aggression that should go away in a few weeks.
  18. Aquaticfrog32

    My betta Merric doing much better but NOW looks like Ich!!! :'(

    As for medicines, Methylene blue works well.
  19. Aquaticfrog32

    New here

    Welcome! I hope you'll find this site helpful! -Aquaticfrog32