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  1. 5TankHarmony

    Something Odd....

    This isn't really a problem... but something odd a noticed. A few weeks ago, I bought six Bloodfin tetras for one of my ten g's that I've recently "remodeled". Once they got settled in, they all were displaying very bright red fins, as they should have, but now, only some of them are showing any...
  2. 5TankHarmony

    Who here names their fish?

    Well, I mainly keep small schooling fish which make naming kind of hard, but my two orandas were named Aristotle and Socrates. I'm not sure what that says about me...
  3. 5TankHarmony

    Cycling with goldfish

    ......uhhh, no. 10g's and goldies don't mix.
  4. 5TankHarmony

    Any 'Mad Scientists' out there?

    Hmmm, I draw out insanely complex blueprints for things I would build... though I don't have the funds to build them- and most of the technology incorporated doesn't exist yet.
  5. 5TankHarmony

    Will they survive?

    Exactly what I was going to say. If you care enough to go out and buy such a massive tank, why be reckless with your fish?
  6. 5TankHarmony


    well, other than constant checking of ammonia and nitrite levels, and the sometimes twice weekly 25% water changes, the careful measuring of food.... I revise what I said- It wasn't "hard", it just required constant attention.
  7. 5TankHarmony

    5g Stock

    I would suggest zebra danios- but they require a bit more room than a 5g would allow- so white clouds are the probably the best.
  8. 5TankHarmony

    ...every move will be monitored...

    *starts building massive EMP device*
  9. 5TankHarmony


    I wouldn't recommend that for someone that inexperienced in goldfish care- I would suggest a 55 g for a few goldies- since that gives you a bigger margin for error- you can do two in a 29g (I did) but it is not by any means easy.
  10. 5TankHarmony


    I've always loved Axelrod's aquarium atlas myself, though like the one you mentioned it is a bit outdated.
  11. 5TankHarmony

    I'm going CRAZY on what fish to put in 30 gallon!!!

    You're excluding a whole lot of fish there- a whole lot. You said "no tetras", but I would like to know why you said this... because I have a suggestion. Emperor tetras- they're not incredibly common, they aren't expensive, quite hardy, and rather exotic looking- but if you have some reason for...
  12. 5TankHarmony

    Xmas tree pics!

    well, I don't have a pic of my tree yet, but I can compliment import's. Nice. Although the bows only on the top half seems like an odd touch...
  13. 5TankHarmony

    Smallest tank allowed for...

    In my experience, 13 or 14 gallon tanks are quite hard to find...
  14. 5TankHarmony

    what kind of goldfish?

    To answer your question- very much so. I once had two red cap orandas- and one of them died due to a tragic accidental chemical overdose- the other one started moping around, and didn't cheer up until I bought another one to go in with him. Not only do they like the company of other goldfish-...
  15. 5TankHarmony

    My betta looks depressed

    What kind of tank is your betta in?
  16. 5TankHarmony

    Advice on fish to clean gravel

    ^^^^^ I don't like the idea of cories, because emma says that she only wants to keep one... and cories, of course, do best in small groups. But I don't have any suggestions as to what would work.
  17. 5TankHarmony

    Need more advice on 1.5G

    You have to wonder why they even make tanks that small...
  18. 5TankHarmony

    Virtual Fishkeeping Game- It's Addictive!

    Yeah, it's not very challenging, but pretty cool.
  19. 5TankHarmony

    Maybe it's a longshot..but...

    I saw two things wrong with that. Number one is that you said you have two (we're going to assume bala sharks) with a fancy guppy. That just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Number two is that you said "a few plecos". Unless you have a VERY large tank, that just isn't going to work. But...
  20. 5TankHarmony

    Would a 60 gallon tank be able to hold these fish fully grown

    In that scenario, I would put the fish in question into a much larger tank than that.