160gal tank build

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AC Moderators
May 13, 2009
Tallahassee, FL
Real Name
DSB needs to be around 6" to promote anerobic environment

Stock list looks good but those damsels will likely terrorize your other inhabitants. You should really consider that especially since you want to add peaceful fish like a madarin and cardinals. Those fish won't stand a chance.

Also, keep in mind that you don't have to load your tank end-to-end with LR. The "rock wall" is overkill. Be craetive with your aquascape and only use the amount of LR you need to accomplish the look you want.

By the way, where is the Batmobile going in the tank? :)


AC Members
Nov 17, 2007
darwin australia
Hey greech thanks for advice. in the end i think you will see what im trying to acheve
the rock wall will serve a valuable purpose 1: as a home for pods, as there is a much corser gravel behind the wall 2: as a shallow end to place the acropora on, that you see in the pics. i am hoping that this will increase the light intensity, as i only intend to use T5 lighting.
As far as the damsils go, i have had one yellow bellied in my tank for over 2 years now, with no sighns of agression. about 5 mths ago i added another to the mix and they seem to be fine. the 2 cardinals and manderin have been in there as long as the first yellow bellied , about 2 years. They are trully the most peacfull of the speicies
the only sighns of agressions in my tank at the moment are between the sixlined wrasse and the mandarin, but that has died right down, now they heardly bother each other.
the left hand side of the tank will be a reef wall to the top of the water level, and there will be a small bombie of reef in the middle. these will hide the water movers
(bat mobile) PMSL..