2 tanks, 1 heater and filter???

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AC Members
Mar 26, 2002
Syracuse, NY
Here's my 2 cents:

Technically it would work since you are basically using the 15G as a sump for the 10G. Two key issues is to check flow rate at head pressure associated with your system which is usually measured in feet of head. I think this would be the distance between the surfaces of each tank, but slipknottin would know for sure. Powerheads are usually designed for recirculation and may not handle much head pressure. And as with any sump, if you have a power failure, be sure the water level in the 15G tank is low enough to handle the volume of water in circulation.

On a practical side, it seems like a lot of hassle for two small tanks when a heater and a small AC powerfilter are relatively inexpensive. The extra expense of a second heater and filter is (IMHO) offset by advantages in redundancy and disease control. Both tanks aren't at risk if a component fails. Also, fish in one tank are not exposed to diseased fish in the other tank should an outbreak occur.

Good luck.:)
I was going to put adult guppies in the 15G and the fry in the 10G. I figured if the water was circulating between the two tanks the water conditions would be the same and thus easier on the fish between tranfers when I am moving them as they grow. Probably I am thinking about this to much and should just do it the convential way???


the original legend
Jan 13, 2002
Real Name
You can use something like a Maxi-Jet 1200 for the return.

You might not want to drill your tank though, that tank has very thin glass, and you run a high chance of breaking it. I would use an overflow box from Lifereef or Amiracle instead.