30g Tank without braces

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AC Members
Dec 31, 2005
I recently picked up a used 30g high tank setup (i.e. filter, heater, powerhead etc.). The tank is pretty scratched up/beat up so not really a display tank but I was thinking of getting it cycled and using it for a hospital/quarantine tank.

When I got it home I filled it up for the leak test, it didn't leak but when it was full I took a look at it and it seemed a bit distorted.

Upon closer inspection it seems that someone cut out/broke out the center brace on the top and bottom of this tank. Sure enough I suddenly had a 30g bowfront tank when it was full.

I have some 1/4" plexiglas laying around that I was going to cut to size and screw into what remains of the center brace on either side with aluminum nuts/bolts.

Does this sound like it will work or does anyone have any other slick tricks to replace center braces?

It just never occurred to me that a tank as small as a 30g would require center bracing. Or maybe only the crappy ones do?


AC Members
Jun 25, 2005
I think you got ripped off. Take it back and make them give you a refund. if they refuse threaten to report them to the police for knowingly selling you a faulty product without informing you.