40 Breeder Stock List

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AC Members
Oct 28, 2010
So, my landlords changed their pet policy, so I have to consolidate to one tank (one aquarium no more than 50 gallons per residence:angryfire:). Thankfully, I hadn't even started setting up and stocking my 40B that I got from Petco yet, but it looks like once I get my filter and heater in the mail, all my current fish are going into the 40B and just getting an upgrade.

I currently have:
1 Clown Pleco
6 Blackskirt Tetras (technically 2 blackskirts, 1 whiteskirt, and 3 glofish tetras)
6 Corydoras julii
3 Mystery Snails

I'm trying to keep it understocked, because since I can't do what I want to do with the tank, I'm gonna go with a dirt tank capped with sand and making it a low tech but heavily planted tank (the lights I'm building into the stand are awesome). Think Val jungle with some driftwood, Java Fern, Anubias, and some sort of floaters (probably duckweed). It's going to be heavily Walstad inspired, meaning I want super low maintenance, necessitating lower stock. I also want color and peaceful compatability. I'm getting an Aquaclear 300, and possibly another smaller Aquaclear to grow Lucky Bamboo out of as a nitrate sink.

In addition to the above stock list, I was planning on adding
2 more Blackskirt Tetras
2 more Corydoras julii
1 Pearl Gourami
4 Platy (1 male, 3 female. I figure the tetras and Gourami can snack on the fry)

This makes my final stock:

Does anyone forsee any problems with that stock list?