A loach is a loach?

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Toro Driver

AC Members
May 9, 2003
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I have two botia angelica's (loaches), they are suppose to be rare so I can not find a specific thread regarding them.

I have angles in the same fifty five gallon tank. They are battleing illness that resulted from stress caused by mature angles that have long since been removed. Twice I have moved my angles to the hospital tank to treat them with antibiotics and antifungel treatments. They recover and I move them back to the fifty five and they get sick again. The act of netting them and moving them is gotten to be to much for them. I want to treat them with Melafix in their native tank.

The question...Can my botia angelica's tolerate salt, melafix and an increase in temperature without themselves getting sick. My angles cost 3 for $12.00-the loaches $14.99 and thats because the IFS didn't know what they had.

I don't want to go with a stonger treatment because
1. I have two swords and want to intoduce red claw crabs back into the tank. (Copper issue.)
2. The swords and my butterfly are perfectly healthy and I don't want to stress them.
3. So are the loaches and there more precious than the angles.

Sorry its so long but I want any one offering help to understand whats been goin on. :(


Bottom feeders Rule
Loaches such as these can tolerate extremely high temperatures. I have personally kept mine in temperatures up to 88 degrees for weeks on end so I would not worry too much about that.

Salt may cause them a bit of irritation but wouldnt cause any long term problems. Melafix is generally pretty harmless too.

My advice would be to go for it.