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AC Members
May 20, 2007
I wouldnt let ANYONE in my house without a warrant.. I dont care who they say they are-- thats just wierd...

I have them knocking on my door a while back for illegal possetion of snakeheads and I wouldnt let them in.. told them to go get a warrant (politely of course.. they are just doing their jobs)

SO they went a got a warrant... in the meantime my pirahna were LONG gone at a friends house and replaced with goldfish lol

im a good boy now.. but dont think this cant happen because it can
Whats a snakehead?


AC Members
Jan 31, 2009
Spokane, WA
Whats a snakehead?
A snakehead is a type of fish.. Pirahna's fall into the category of "snakeheads" among many others

they are illegal in about 45 of the 50 states-- but I can get them if I go one state over

Dont keep them anymore.. but I used to


Staff member
Jun 4, 2003
I wouldnt let ANYONE in my house without a warrant.. I dont care who they say they are-- thats just wierd...

I have them knocking on my door a while back for illegal possetion of snakeheads and I wouldnt let them in.. told them to go get a warrant (politely of course.. they are just doing their jobs)

SO they went a got a warrant... in the meantime my pirahna were LONG gone at a friends house and replaced with goldfish lol

im a good boy now.. but dont think this cant happen because it can
well thats smart.... tell everyone in the world your breaking the law.....


Stroke Survivor '05
I stay away from anything that I know to be questionable. For the things I don't know I read and research to make sure I am correct and not trying to subvert laws by hiding my stock at someone elses house. I am not going to climb up on a soapbox and start an oral dissertation as I have enough trouble just taking care of me. But I do believe personal integrity and reputation are highly valuable assets to a persons character.

Although I have nothing to hide, I will not grant unfettered access to my house and contents without a warrant. It is a right and not a privilege to be free of unlawful search and seizure and to have a reasonable expectation of privacy.