Adventures in Fishkeeping or A Fish Tale

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AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
jake, your tanks are way outside of any of my experiences. I've never done a sump or an 8ft tank. But I'd love to read about how you've done it! I want to learn even if I'll never do it personally. & yes, our nonfish lives need some attention too. I'm on taxes ATM, spring cleaning & setting up a plant club meet soon, minutia, but not compared to my dinner tonight, lol. Cooking is my other hobby ;)
This is an interesting thing - i moved my fishes from a 120 to a 600 and now i wonder how they were ever in a 120 to begin with. It is the sort of discussion folks have all the time - what size tank do you need for xxx; now that i have a 10x4 (floor space in feet); i don't think i would ever keep clown loaches or even angels in something as small as a 120.... the behavior of the fishes change a lot when they have more space to scatter or move about. And truth be told when i watch my festivum and angles interact i keep thinking i need a 16x16 (ft floor space) aquarium - which of course i can't possibly fit in my home. Space just changes the way the fish behave in a lot of ways.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Oh, I totally agree but on a much smaller scale, lol. Our fish often come from rivers, not just a few feet of a river...a wimpy flow no matter how fast it seems in our BIG tanks, tons of rock to change the flow patterns...Little areas of almost no flow, swirling places that only a few fish can live...(🖖) I will have to live vicariously by your tanks. Keep your pics coming!