Algae and Nutrient balance

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wassup in the hood
Dec 2, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
i'm guessing...

So I'm guessing that as a general rule, the pre-prepared liquid fertilizers aren't a very consistent source of nutrirents? I've bought them every once in a while to add to the water of my tanks, but i've never really seen very significant results. I've never had the understanding of how to monitor levels of nutrients and how to make sure phosphorus is the limiting nutrient which is probably why the results were negligable. I'm interested in trying the fertalizer recipe. Tom do you get your fertilizers from a garden supply place as well?

I have used CO2 in planted tanks which has definately been the most effective promotor of plant growth in my experience. So what you're saying is really interesting! If I can get control over the algae as well as even better plant growth that would be amazing! Do you ever make a standard mix that you can just dose into the tank periodically? I suppose some of the fertalizers are independantly added like the K2SO4 once weekly after the water change and couldn't be in a standard mix.

Thanks again for the input guys!



AC Members
Apr 27, 2001
Davis, CA
You have the CO2 down, you have the lighting down.
You have the traces down.
All that's left are the macro nutrients.

The CO2/light/traces don't work without the NPK being in a good range also.
Algae are good at living at high levels of these and also very low levels.

K2SO4-you can get it from turf supply companies for about 20-30 for 50 of fine power which quickly dissolves.
50lbs will last you, your kids and maybe your grandkid's tanks provided you are still quite young.
You can also get it and the others on line at
Potash of sulfur is the common name.
Garden centers carry this under the "Green All" brand, about 5$ for 10lbs.

KH2PO4, can be bought from
You can also use Fleet enema from a drug store for sodium phosphate which will work well.

KNO3, stump remover, available at Homer Depot, garden centers etc. I like the Grant's or Cooke's brands.

All three of these are available from turf supply stores for 15-25$ a 50 lb sack.
Many lifetime's supply.

These allow you to what ever amount of NO, K, or PO4 you want.
I add these dry, like adding a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to home made cookies.

It really will help your plants grow much better and look better also. You'll get higher O2 levels in your tank/less algae also.

Tom Barr


wassup in the hood
Dec 2, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
thanks so much!

Thanks a ton. I'll be on my way to some of those stores soon! I finished my last final exam ever (for my undergraduate years) about 30 minutes ago, and I'll be heading home for chrismas vacation soon. I hope you're having a great december.



AC Members
Apr 27, 2001
Davis, CA
I wore a black hood and paced around the lecture hall with an Ax as I gave an exam today. Actually is was a rather easy test, more like an easy midterm.
I'm not so lucky.

Tom Barr


wassup in the hood
Dec 2, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI

Are you a professor over there in Georgia? If so, what do you teach?

The GSI's (graduate student instructors) here proctor most of the tests, and they were pretty cheery today. I think they were glad to be almost done with the term.

Ironically my final exam was a freshman Biology course that I had to take this year, my senior year (5th one at that) so I was taking this exam with all sorts of freshman and sophomores and they were all freaking out. A lot of them are going to med school (not me) and so they really set the standards high! (they're willing to do whatever it takes to get a good grade) It borders on quite annoying.

I love college though! I'll be sad to see it end after this year.



AC Members
Apr 27, 2001
Davis, CA
Nope just a TA instructor with a large amount of freedom to teach how I want which does seem to work very well without too much pain(UF). I have 60 students each semester.
I teach Evolution, Bio Diversity(Critters, weeds, smut, pond scum and slime), basics for lab reports and biological data for Bio majors only.
I "trick" my students into learning and studying, then they get good grades and are happy.
The worst grade was a C+ out of 60 students I typically teach each semester. Average was 85%. Not bad. Maybe I have all good students?
I just make it clear what they need to learn and very importantly "how" to do it. They do the work, they get the grade. They come out and do well from that class on.

Since my chair is also the lecture prof after the sequence he likes me since they come very well prepared and are able to study for exams. But it's a 750 student lecture for him. He wants me to give a few lectures for that class.
I'll likely do a few this winter. It's a bit different than 60 students and it's all lecture/no interaction on an individual basis.

I still ask myself how the hell did "I" end up there.

Dead Grandmothers right before test, or kidnapped sisters, naked roomate's boyfriends running in the their dorm room all night and they could not studying, a Latin family moved in into their share room(4 of them) and won't leave, another got mono, had An F, C-, and a D- and wants all the $ back and wants to take the class over again the day before the final. Truly amazing stories:)

No need to be sad, there's always grad school.

You could base your graduate career on "Ghost shrimp dynamic ecosystem modeling in artifical enviroments".

Tom Barr


Grand Poobah of Fun
Aug 22, 2000
Dallas, TX
Someone had mentioned using Ghost shrimp to see if the tank would let ammano shrimp survive. (testing the occupants for how much they like to eat shrimp and all...)

I have a tank right now. heavily planted, currently hosting 4 Clown Loaches and a small group of blue gouriami (thier tank is being remodeled for them by the moment and these are temp accomidations they seem to be dealing well with...)

Odds on ghost shrimp lasting more than a week in there?
