assembly page: new 150 gal freshwater

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eats bloodworms
Dec 14, 2006
Key West
1 year later

its been a year now since the new tank was up. I want to make some comments and share some experiences with you as well as give a general update.

One of the things that strikes me about a large tank is how the fish behave differently. the clown loaches, for example, hide and sleep most of the time and only scavenge for a little while per day. they used to be up and around all the time in the smaller tank. Also more fish tend to hide and inhabit small spaces. i think thats a good thing, but at the same time, my tank looks empty unless you know where to look. fish also grow bigger in big tanks.

i solved this with the addition of platties and some colorful mollies. they cheer up the place. they even seem to get the tetras more active.

i found the crayfish molt one day and thought it was dead. i was so confused when i saw both crayfish the following day until i realised what had happened.

my black ghost knife is going on year four as my pet. without her, the rest of the tank is just dirty water and noise.

i mentioned in an earlier post how the fun of an aquarium is in its building, but ive found out that even after a large tank is done, it still keeps changing. i placed all the decorations and such how i would like them, and time has made it even better. from time to time ill remove a plastic plant but thats it. there is endless variation in the changing currents all by itself.

the eheim pro 3 broke after only a couple of months of use. it may have been my fault, but still, it shouldnt have broken. turns out i dont need it. i continue using the water changing system and thats all it needs.

the aquarium is part of the house, and secretly my favorite part of the house. it makes me feel wealthy and it is spiritually uplifting to look at every day. i do recommend the taller tank design, in spite of the drawback.

If you wonder if i wonder what is next. i am hard on myself because i cant keep aquatic plants alive. ive always wanted my tank to be one of the most beautiful tanks, but i see that even a modest aquarium with real plants is light years ahead of mine. that is why i wont enter it in the tank of the month contest. still, i like mine. it has more fish than planted tanks and the fake plants look pretty good anyhow.


Banana plant addict.
Aug 25, 2007
Long Island NY
Very nice, but i would have gone with a different feel for that tank, if i was you id take out everything that is fake, put some real rocks and some nice big peices of driftwood and some wild overgrown plants, id go with a more natural river bed feel, to me that is more "zen" than having a buddha statue in there


AC Members
May 2, 2007
the clown loaches, for example, hide and sleep most of the time and only scavenge for a little while per day. they used to be up and around all the time in the smaller tank.
As far as I could tell from the thread, you only had 2 loaches. Forgive me if you picked up more, and I missed the post. I've learded through the forum here that they thrive in larger schools. I think you mentioned you have room for more stock so you could always get some more; that might bring back their crazy loach antics.

Sweet tank and I enjoyed reading your tank journey.


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
Great looking tank!


AC Members
Jan 26, 2007
i just perused your thread. it is really interesting! i like the idea about building a plumbing system that uses the water from the aquarium to fertilize the garden during a water change. the tanks looks very nice and i love how the plastic plants look! my favorite part of your decor is the statue! it looks really cool!

this tank is awesome! very nice work!