Beginner shrimp

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Apr 16, 2023
I’m Krissy, I haven’t been into the aquarium hobby in a while, and back when I was the only inverts I kept were apple snails. I’ve set myself up with a few 20 gallons and have cycled them. So far I just have some Java and Christmas moss. I’m planning on keeping caradinas and neos. I wanted to introduce myself and get some connections with other people in the hobby.
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Welcome to AC, krissy & back to our hobby! Can you post up pics yet? We love to see anyone's tanks. I'm more "planty" than you are (yet ? :)...but I may have to give you a gentle shove, in a plant way, lol.

Neons & cardinals have different needs but look similar...Most times I prefer a larger school of just 1 of those...& in your small tank, I'd suggest some dwarf corys all of 1 of a couple species. They're small & active...but be warned, I love bottom fish! If you like loaches, I can make some suggestions ;) LOL, they're my fishy perferred bottom feeders but I love catfish too.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
OH! I see I read cardinals & neon tetras instead of caridina & neo shrimp. I'm very embarrassed :oops: I was only able to keep cherry shrimp & their relatives, my water was not caridina compatable the 1 time I tried them (black bees).

You may get better help in the invert forum. I'm very sorry I wasn't paying attention to spelling. Sometimes we read what we'd like to see especially later in the day.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
Real Name
Sounds like a good plan!
I kept red cherries with celestial pearl danios and another setup with them with guppies. The setups had gobs of java moss, java fern and anubia. Had them for years. Gave many away and fed many to my oscar and severum.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
For many years I used to say that shrimp were just food for my fish. But I was friendly with a lady who was an expert in inverts and kept and sold them. She also imported both fish and inverts. I started with some red cherry from here that went into 1 5.5 gal. about 12+ years ago. They are still there and reproducing. I also got into Amano shrimp. But those are for algae in bigger tanks than the cherry could survive in. That is because the fish I put into a 75 all would see those shrimp as being a menu treat.

The last shrimp I got were the blue velvet. A friend had to shut down tanks and I agreed to take some of her fish and shrimp. I added to that group a few months back at my fish club's monthly meeting auction. The blues are in a heavily planted 15 gal. with amano shrimp, a few white cloud minnows and assassin snails.

Despite my having softish water shrimp seem to thrive in my tanks which are all heavily planted where the shrimp are. In a few of these I actually have to add a bit of SeaChem Equilibrium to boos the mineral content. I also have to add a bit of crushed coral in some tanks and even feed veggie sticks with added calcium. But a lot of that is due to all the assassin snails in the tanks as well as the shrimp and tons of plants. There is just not enough mineral content in my water for all of that together in a tank.

Before you pick the shrimp you will keep make sure than are compatible.

Other dwarf shrimp, like amano and ghost shrimp, can do well with cherry shrimp because they are roughly the same size and have similar care requirements. However, crystal shrimp and other Caridina shrimp may not be a good fit because they often prefer drastically different water parameters than cherry shrimp. While some hobbyists have kept them together, we often find that one shrimp colony tends to be happier and reproduce more than the other colony.
from Top 12 Tank Mates to Keep With Cherry Shrimp

Make sure if you pick a caradina and a neo that they both can thrive in your water parameters.
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I believe blue velvet shrimp are neos (pretty!) but easier to keep than caridinas (bee shrimp)...But it depends on your water & what you're willing to do to keep them...together? That will be much harder to make both kinds healthy, happy & reproducing in the same tank...

I don't know much about Amano shrimp but a club member breeds them even though they need a saltwater stage to get to adults...